ProductVariantCreateInput Input Object
Whether to allow backorders for this product variant, if backorders are permitted at the marketplace level
The external ID from a foreign system if a product variant originated from that system, used in combination with provided externalSource. If submitting externalId, you must also provide an externalSource argument. If these two are provided, the productVariantCreate mutation will attempt to perform an upsert instead of a creation.
The external source identifier of a foreign system (e.g. nautical.fulfillment.shopify) if a product variant originated from that system, used in combination with provided externalId. If submitting externalSource, you must also provide an externalId argument. If these two are provided, the productVariantCreate mutation will attempt to perform an upsert instead of a creation.
Set whether this variant is digital by default, will be overridden by product type attached to product if available
Set whether this variant allows price overrides by default, will be overridden by product type attached to product if available
Informs whether a collection is published. All variants are published by default
Set whether this variant requires shipping by default, will be overridden by product type attached to product if available
The datetime when this variant will become available. This field may contain a past, future date or can be empty (so it is always published if isPublished is true)
True if variant requires quote pricing.
Substatus the variant is to be changed to.
Determines whether to track changes to this variant's inventory. If set to 'false', the product's stock quantity won't reduce when a customer purchases this item. However, even when 'false', you must assign a stock quantity to a warehouse to allow checkouts. Usually, this involves allocating a placeholder stock amount that matches the maximum quantity purchased at once.
- Argument input of field productVariantCreate from type Mutation