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Nautical Changelog

We regularly update our product and API while providing detailed notes on each release. We first release to staging, then to production about a week later. Learn more about our release process.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed

manual payments

Marketplace operators can now experience improved error messages when adding a payment manually to an order. Learn more about adding payments manually here.

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed

product variants

Fixed an issue where multiple variants for a product could be created with the same attributes resulting in duplicate variants. Learn more about product variants here.

webhook event logs

Fixed an issue where webhook event logs were receiving errors when tracking was updated for a fulfilled order. Learn more about webhooks here.

product attribute validation

Fixed an issue where products that require certain attributes or custom fields were validated and created without values being assigned to those attributes or custom fields.

seller validation

General improvements to a seller's validation in the marketplace when their status is not yet approved by the marketplace operator.

product templates

Fixed an issue where attributes could not be added to products that are assigned to a product template.

✨ New

shipping zones & warehouses

During signup, marketplace operators will now have a shipping zone and warehouse automatically created for their marketplace. This feature only applies to marketplaces with an address located in Canada and the United States.

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed

shipping zones stock

Fixed an issue with shipping methods where shipping zones with no quantity in stock were being displayed as shipping options at checkout. Learn more about shipping zones here.

default shipping location

Fixed an issue where the default country for shipping was the United States regardless of the country selected by a marketplace operator as their location during signup.

storefront navigation bar

Fixed an issue with the navigation bar in the storefront. Learn more about navigating the storefront here.

storefront theme

Fixed an issue where theme colors in the storefront were not uniformly updated. Learn more about customizing the storefront's theme here.

duplicate attributes

Fixed an issue where duplicate variant attributes were being created at the product level. Learn more about creating attributes here.

marketplace agreements

Fixed an issue with saving the changes made to a marketplace commission agreement. Learn more about setting up marketplace commission agreements here.

✨ New

product variants

Default variants created alongside products now have the same name as the product. Learn more about managing product variants here.

units of measurement

Marketplaces now have country-specific default units for weight and length measurements. For example, US-based marketplaces default to pounds for weight and inches for length.

draft order address

Customers using the marketplace's store can now update the billing address on draft orders. Learn more about draft orders here.

storefront relative URLs

Marketplace operators and sellers can now create relative URL paths starting with / as valid menu links in the storefront's navigation. Learn more about creating navigation links here.

fulfilled by marketplace

Seller orders fulfilled by the marketplace will now display a flag that says "Fulfilled by marketplace". This will be visible to every staff member that has access to the order. Learn more about how to choose the marketplace fulfillment option here.

email template types

The email template for setting a password has been updated to include more helpful resources. Learn more about email template types here.

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed

custom domain validation

Fixed an issue with validating custom domains for marketplace operators. Learn more about custom domains here.

✨ New

attribute mapping improvements

Marketplace operators and sellers can now assign a product attribute to just the product it's meant for. This helps with efficiently mapping an attribute to the product it was created for initially. Learn more about creating attributes here.

marketplace onboarding

First-time marketplace operators can now keep track of the steps to take while onboarding. Learn more about setting up your marketplace for the first time here.

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed

variant attributes
  • Improved error descriptions when working with variant attributes on the dashboard. Learn more about attributes here.

✨ New

attributes model improvements

A product foreign key has been added to the Attributes model in the API. This improves working with attributes in the following ways:

  • An attribute can be uniquely associated with a product.
  • An attribute can be uniquely associated with a product template.
  • An attribute can exist independently when neither product nor product template is specified.

Learn more about the Attributes model here.

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed

shopify plugin
  • General fixes and improvements to the Shopify plugin. Learn more about how to integrate Shopify into your marketplace here.

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.


Fully Deprecated

The following fields, types, and mutations have reached end of their deprecation period and have been removed:

  • OfferOrderSubStatusFilter

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

units of length

Marketplace operators can now achieve the following with length units:

  • Convert different length units in the dashboard. Units that can be converted include millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), meters (m), inches (in), feet (ft), and yards (yd).
  • Retrieve the dimensions of a product via the GraphQL API. With this, dimensions can be retrieved in the marketplace's default unit when needed.
  • Apply partial updates to the different variants of a product (e.g an update in the length but not the width of a product.)

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.


Fully Deprecated

The following fields, types, and mutations have reached end of their deprecation period and have been removed:

  • addressType
  • userType

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

manual payments

We've renamed wire payments to manual payments. Manual payments describe non-card payments made to a marketplace operator outside of checkout for orders that originate as draft or quote.

units of length

Marketplace operators can now choose length units to use when describing an product. Options include inches, feet, yards, millimeters, centimeters, and meters.

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.

Newly Deprecated

The following queries and types are now deprecated and will be removed in future releases:

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

user policy agreement

Marketplace operators can now include predefined policy statements in the Storefront. These policies can be edited in the dashboard and published.

Policies that can be published are:

  • Privacy policy (/policies/privacy-policy)
  • Terms of service (/policies/terms-of-service)
  • Return and refund policy (/policies/refund-policy)
  • Shipping policy (/policies/shipping-policy)

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.

Newly Deprecated

The following queries and types are now deprecated and will be removed in future releases:

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed

shipping vouchers

Fixed an issue where shipping costs were included in the discounted order total at checkout, even when a free shipping voucher was present. Learn more about free shipping vouchers here.

🚫 Deprecated

API fields and mutations

For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.


Fully Deprecated

The following fields, types, and mutations have reached end of their deprecation period and have been removed:

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