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Upcoming Deprecated API Removals

: Staging

As Nautical continues to evolve, APIs undergo periodic reorganization and improvement. Over time, certain APIs that have been deprecated are removed.

We want to make sure you have advanced notice that we are removing a number of deprecated APIs in January 2024. You will need to update any code using the types, inputs, queries, and mutations outlined below.

Many of the API entities being removed have already been replaced with new entities. To ensure your code remains up to date with the latest API, we have provided guidance below on how to update your code accordingly.

These changes will start rolling out on January 19, 2024.

Queries being removed
QueryUpgrade guidance
draftOrders.createdUse the filter field instead.
nauticalDraftOrders.createdUse the filter field instead.
NauticalOrders.createdUse the filter field instead.
NauticalOrders.statusUse the filter field instead.
Orders.createdUse the filter field instead.
Orders.statusUse the filter field instead.
serviceAccountUse the app query instead.
serviceAccountsUse the apps query instead.
webhooksUse the webhooks field on the app or apps query instead.
Mutations being removed
MutationUpgrade guidance
acceptBidUse the bidAccept mutation instead.
accountSetDefaultAddressUse the accountAddressSetDefault mutation instead.
acknowledgeSellerAgreementUse the sellerAgreementAcknowledge mutation instead.
attributeReorderValuesUse the attributeValuesReorder mutation instead.
bulkFulfillmentReturnUse the fulfillmentBulkReturn mutation instead.
checkoutShippingMethodUpdateUse the CheckoutSellerShippingMethodsUpdate mutation.
confirmAccountUse the accountConfirm mutation.
confirmEmailChangeUse the emailChangeConfirm mutation.
createCoreDataUse the coreDataCreate mutation.
createDesigerDataUse the designerDataCreate mutation.
createHashtagUse the hashtagCreate mutation.
createMentionUse the mentionCreate mutation.
createSellerDataUse the sellerDataCreate mutation.
createSellerShellUse the sellerShellCreate mutation.
createSellerUserMappingUse the sellerUserMappingCreate mutation.
createWarehouseUse the warehouseCreate mutation.
deleteBrandingImagesUse the brandingImagesDelete mutation.
deleteMetadataUse the metadataDelete mutation.
deletePrivateMetadataUse the privateMetadataDelete mutation.
deleteWarehouseUse the warehouseDelete mutation.
exportCatalogUse the catalogExport mutation.
exportProductsUse the productsExport mutation.
getPayoutOnboardingLinkUse the vendorPayoutOnboardingLinkRequest mutation.
importCatalogUse the catalogImport mutation.
importProductsUse the productsImport mutation.
nauticalOrderRefundUse the refundCreate mutation instead and then add the nautical order using the refundLinesAdd mutation.
orderCaptureDirect capture against seller orders is unsupported as Payments are only attached to the NauticalOrder. Use nauticalOrderCapture instead.
orderFulfillmentUpdateReturnStatusUse the fulfillmentBulkReturn mutation instead.
orderMarkAsPaidDirect update of seller orders to paid is unsupported as Payments are only attached to the NauticalOrder. Use nauticalOrderMarkAsPaid instead.
orderRefundUse the refundCreate mutation instead and then add the order using the refundLinesAdd mutation.
orderVoidDirect void against seller orders is unsupported as Payments are only attached to the NauticalOrder. Use nauticalOrderVoid instead.
paymentRefundUse the refundCreate mutation instead and then utilize the refundPaymentsAdd mutation.
productVariantReorderUse the productReorderVariants mutation.
rejectBidUse the bidReject mutation.
requestEmailChangeUse the emailChangeRequest mutation.
requestPasswordResetUse the passwordRequestReset field.
sellerAddNoteUse the sellerNoteCreate mutation.
sendQuoteToCustomerUse the nauticalQuoteOrderSendToCustomer mutation.
serviceAccountCreateUse the appCreate mutation instead.
serviceAccountDeleteUse the appDelete mutation instead.
serviceAccountTokenCreateUse the appTokenCreate mutation instead.
serviceAccountTokenDeleteUse the appTokenDelete mutation instead.
serviceAccountUpdateUse the appUpdate mutation instead.
setPasswordUse the passwordSet mutation.
setWishlistAsDefaultUse the wishlistSetDefault mutation.
submitRatingAndReviewUse the productReviewSubmit mutation instead.
updatebrandingUse the brandingUpdate mutation
updateCoreDataUse the coreDataUpdate mutation.
updateDesignerDataUse the designerDataUpdate mutation.
updateMetadataUse the metadataUpdate mutation.
updatePrivateMetadataUse the privateMetadataUpdate mutation.
updateSellerDataUse the sellerDataUpdate mutation.
updateSellerSettingsUse the sellerSettingsUpdate mutation.
updateWarehouseUse the warehouseUpdate mutation.
variantImageAssignUse the productVariantImageAssign mutation instead.
variantImageUnassignUse the productVariantImageUnassign mutation instead.
Inputs being removed
InputUpgrade guidance
AppInput.isActiveUse the appActivate and appDeactivate mutations instead.
AttributeInput.valueUse values instead.
CheckoutCustomerAttach.customer_idThe ID of the customer. To identify a customer you should authenticate with JWT.
DetailedSellerInput.statusThis field will be ignored in the mutation and a seller will be created in pending status
DocumentAdd.documentIdTo attach a document to related instances, use documentAttach mutation instead.
DocumentAdd.idsTo attach a document to related instances, use documentAttach mutation instead.
DraftOrderInput.discountUse nauticalOrderUpdateApplyVoucherCode mutation instead.
DraftOrderInput.shippingMethodUnsupported field. Use orderUpdateShipping mutation instead.
DraftOrderInput.voucherUse nauticalOrderUpdateApplyVoucherCode mutation instead.
NauticalHistoricalOrderInput.shippingMethodUse nauticalOrderUpdateShipping mutation instead.
WebhookCreateInput.serviceAccountUse the app field instead.
WebhookUpdateInput.serviceAccountUse the app field instead.
Types being removed
TypeUpgrade guidance
*.*.errorsRemoval impacts all mutations that have the errors field. Use typed errors with error codes, for example checkoutErrors.
Checkout.availableShippingMethodsUse the availableShippingMethodsBySeller field instead.
Money.localizedPrice formatting according to the current locale should be handled by the frontend client.
NauticalOrder.availableShippingMethodsUse the availableShippingMethodsBySeller field instead.
NauticalOrderLine.quantityUse the more explicit quantityOrdered instead.
NauticalOrderLine.quantityFulfilledMarketplace Orders are not fulfilled. Use quantityFulfilled on the seller OrderLine instead.
NauticalSecondaryOrderLine.quantityUse the more explicit quantityOrdered instead.
OrderLine.quantityUse the more explicit quantityOrdered instead.
ProductVariant.isAvailableUse the stocks field instead.
ProductVariant.quantityUse the stocks field instead.
ProductVariant.quantityAllocatedUse the stocks field instead.
ProductVariant.stockQuantityUse the quantityAvailable field instead.
SecondaryOrderLine.quantityUse the more explicit quantityOrdered instead.
Webhook.serviceAccountUse the app field instead.

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