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Developer Changelog

We regularly update our API and provide detailed notes on each release. We first release to staging, then to production about a week later. Learn more about our release process.

: Staging

💎 Changed


Shipping zone owner required

The shippingZone.owner field is now required when creating a shipping zone.


Warehouse owner required

The warehouse.owner field is now required when creating a warehouse.


Public media query

The media query is now a public query that does not require authentication.

seller mgmt

Seller APPLYING status

The SellerStatus enum now supports the APPLYING status.

seller mgmt

Update seller with tax identifier

The sellerDataUpdate mutation now supports the identifiers input for setting the seller's tax identification number.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where VendorPayout.gateway returned a blank response when querying a payout using the Manual payout gateway.

🚫 Deprecated


Deprecated affiliates

Deprecated the affiliates model and related fields, which will be removed on October 26, 2024. For the full list of deprecations, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.


Deprecated channels

Deprecated the channels model and related fields, which will be removed on October 29, 2024. For the full list of deprecations, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.

: Staging

: Production


These release notes include changes from v1.43 as well.

✨ New


Updated the NauticalQuoteOrderSendToCustomer mutation to add the ability to send a payment link to the buyer for draft orders, similar to quote orders.

Also added the ability for buyers to run the NauticalDraftOrderComplete mutation to submit payment and finalize their own draft orders.


New instances of the reference storefront include this functionality, but existing instances must update their code to take advantage of these changes.


Filter products by mpn

Added the mpn field to the ProductFilterInput filter, to support filtering products by MPN.

Seller mgmt

Added the isMarketplaceSeller boolean field to the Seller object, which identifies if a seller corresponds to the marketplace owner.

Custom fields

Query a custom field template

Added the customFieldTemplate query, to retrieve details for a signle custom field template.

💎 Changed


Query draft orders by token

The nauticalOrderByToken query now returns draft orders.


Upgraded Klaviyo plugin API

Upgraded the Klaviyo integration to use Klaviyo's updated API endpoint.


Upgraded Stripe plugin API

Updated the Stripe API integration to account for changes to the Stripe Charges API.


Updated permission to view seller order payout data

Updated the permissions required to view payout summary information on seller orders. Sellers now only need the manage_orders permission to view this data.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue with Stripe ACH payments when the "Store customer cards" setting was turned on.


Fixed an issue where the vendorPayoutList query returned excluded payouts.


Fixed a display issue with the commission column in vendor payouts.


Fixed an issue where sellers with permission to manage attributes could edit or delete attributes added by other sellers.


Fixed an issue that caused the following error when creating a new product with a date attribute: TypeError in AttributeValue Model: Multiple Values for 'date_time'

🚫 Deprecated


Removed the following types around Klaviyo plugin sync, which are longer in use:

  • PluginSyncSettings query
  • PluginSyncUpdate mutation
  • SyncConfiguration
  • SyncConfigurationDirection

Deprecated the Fulfillment.totalLinesPrice field, which is replaced by the Fulfillment.totalLinesMoney field. This field will be removed by October 25, 2024.


Deprecated the ShippingZone.default field. ShippingZones are not marked as default anymore. This field will be removed by October 17, 2024.


Deprecated the following types around designer data, which are no longer in use and will be removed by October 25, 2024.

  • DesignerData
  • DesignerDataCreate
  • DesignerDataUpdate
  • BrandingImagesDelete
  • BrandingUpdate

Deprecated the following types around core data, which are no longer in use and will be removed by October 25, 2024.

  • CoreData
  • CoreDataCreate
  • CoreDataUpdate

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


Added the value input field to AttributeValueInput to support more input type usages, such as the color value for swatch attributes.


Added metadata and privateMetadata to the following models:

  • ShippingMethod
  • ShippingZone

Manage metadata with the metadataUpdate and privateMetadataUpdate mutations.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where the customer_updated webhook was not being triggered by adding a customer address.

🚫 Deprecated


Deprecated the isSellerShippingZoneCreationAllowed field on the MarketplaceConfiguration model. This field will now always be overridden as true and wil be removed soon.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

Seller mgmt

Seller slug field

Added the slug field to the Seller model.

Seller mgmt

PublicSeller model

Added the PublicSeller model, to retrieve public information about sellers. Also added the sellerBySlug query to retrieve a publicSeller by their unique slug.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where you could not add order fees to fulfilled orders.

🚫 Deprecated


Deprecated dashboard types

The following types related to the Dashboard have been deprecated:

  • The dashboard query
  • The dashboardConfigurationUpdate mutation

: Staging

: Production

💎 Changed

user mgmt

The staffUserInput type now accepts the userIsActive field, which is a boolean that can be used to filter if a staff member is active or not.


Improved handling when Avalara doesn't return a response after posting a transaction.


The product_updated webhook will now be triggered by changes to product features.


Added a MarketplaceConfiguration field for defaultCountry, which will be used to set the default country in the reference storefront in a future release.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where refunds in an invalid state could connect to payouts.

🚫 Deprecated


Product review deprecations

The following types have been marked for deprecation and will be removed on October 1, 2024:

  • The productRatingsAndReviews query
  • The productReviewSubmit mutation

Catalog export deprecations

The catalogExport mutation is no longer supported and has been marked for deprecation. This will be removed on October 1, 2024.


Catalog type removals

The following previously deprecated types related to catalog management have been removed:

  • barcodeLookup
  • upcItemDb
  • drugLookup
  • productVariantReorder
  • variantImageAssign
  • variantImageUnassign
  • importCatalog
  • exportCatalog
  • exportProducts
  • importProducts
  • attributeReorderValues
  • Category.url
  • Product.url
  • ProductVariant:
    • quantity
    • quantityAllocated
    • stockQuantity
    • isAvailable
    • availableShippingMethods

Order type removals

The following previously deprecated types related to checkout and orders have been removed:

  • acceptBid
  • rejectBid
  • submitRatingAndReview
  • paymentRefund
  • orderCapture
  • orderFulfillmentUpdateReturnStatus
  • orderMarkAsPaid
  • orderRefund
  • nauticalOrderRefund
  • orderVoid
  • bulkFulfillmentReturn
  • sendQuoteToCustomer
  • setWishlistAsDefault
  • Checkout.availableShippingMethods
  • Checkout.localized

Warehouse type removals

The following previously deprecated warehouse mutations have been removed:

  • createWarehouse
  • updateWarehouse
  • deleteWarehouse
user mgmt

User type removals

The following previously deprecated user management mutations have been removed:

  • requestPasswordReset
  • confirmAccount
  • setPassword
  • requestEmailChange
  • confirmEmailChange
  • accountSetDefaultAddress

Webhook type removals

The following previously deprecated webhook and service account types have been removed:

  • webhooks
  • serviceAccounts
  • serviceAccount
  • serviceAccountCreate
  • serviceAccountUpdate
  • serviceAccountDelete
  • serviceAccountTokenCreate
  • serviceAccountTokenDelete
  • Webhook.serviceAccount
seller mgmt

Seller type removals

The following previously deprecated seller-related mutations have been removed:

  • getPayoutOnboardingLink
  • acknowledgeSellerAgreement
  • createSellerData
  • createSellerUserMapping
  • updateSellerData
  • sellerAddNote
  • createSellerShell
  • updateSellerSettings

Designer type removals

The following previously deprecated designer-related mutations have been removed:

  • createDesignerData
  • updateDesignerData
  • updateBranding
  • deleteBrandingImages
  • createCoreData
  • updateCoreData

Metadata type removals

The following previously deprecated metadata mutations have been removed:

  • deleteMetadata
  • deletePrivateMetadata
  • updateMetadata
  • updatePrivateMetadata

YotPo plugin removal

The YotPo plugin has been removed, including removal of the following types:

  • YotpoCustomer
  • UserInput
  • customerLoyaltyAndReferralsDetails
  • loyaltyAndReferralsInfo
  • YotpoCustomer
  • yotpoLoyaltyAndReferralsCreateOrUpdateCustomerRecord
  • yotpoLoyaltyAndReferralsAwardCustomerLoyaltyPoints

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where orders with a full discount, leaving a balance of $0, were not being marked as paid.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where refunds processed through Stripe were not consistently being updated to the PAID status.


Fixed an issue where refunds charged to the seller were not included in the seller payout calculations in certain cases.


Fixed an issue with the payout summary for a seller order (order.payoutsSummary.refunds), where the reported refund amount could be incorrect in certain situations. This issue did not affect the actual payout amount.

🚫 Deprecated


Removed the sites model, referred to as domains in the dashboard. Supported currencies for the marketplace will now be read from MarketplaceConfiguration.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where the orderFeeCreate mutation was not returning the ID of the order fee it created.


Fixed an issue that resulted in an AttributeError with the checkoutConvertToNauticalQuoteOrder mutation.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where the customer_updated webhook was not being triggered by adding or changing a customer's address.


Fixed an order line CSV upload issue on draft and quote orders that could apply discounts incorrectly after the 1.35 release.


Fixed performance issues related to checkouts and editing order lines after the 1.35 release.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


Delete payouts

Added the payoutDelete mutation, for deleting an individual draft payout.

Learn more ->


Create empty payouts

You can now create draft payouts even when no orders qualify, to enable the creation of vendor payouts against an empty payout to support prepayment scenarios.


Numeric variant attributes

Variants now support attributes with the numeric input type.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where payouts could fail with an error stating that the vendor payout did not match the orders.

data entry

Fixed an issue preventing multiple options to be entered in multi-select fields.


Fixed an issue where checkoutSellerShippingMethodsBulkUpdate mutation did not update shipping prices after the 1.34 release.


Fixed an issue where the display_gross_prices field was always sent as true in SendGrid email payloads.


Fixed an issue where payout statements could display shipping costs incorrectly on payout statements processed with the legacy, non-ledgerized payout system. This was purely a Dashboard display issue for historical payouts and did not affect the amount paid to the seller.

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