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Developer Changelog

We regularly update our API and provide detailed notes on each release. We first release to staging, then to production about a week later. Learn more about our release process.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


Base amount money field for better accuracy

Added a baseAmount field to all money-related objects (Money, MoneyRange, TaxedMoney). This field represents the monetary value in the smallest unit of the currency, offering greater accuracy over the existing amount floating point field.

For example, in currencies with two decimal places like USD, $12.45 will be represented as baseAmount=1245.

The amount field is now deprecated and will be removed in 6 months.


Allow buyer to query suborders

A buyer can now query me.NauticalOrder.subOrders for the seller order information. Payout-related fields on the seller order will not be visible to the buyer.


Seller ID on multi seller shipping method

Added the sellerId field to the MultiSellerShippingMethodtype.


Improved webhook logging

Added webhook logging for request time outs and connection errors.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where ducplicate transaction records could be created against the same Stripe payment intent. This did not affect the actual payment captured by Stripe.

🚫 Deprecated


Deprecated money fields

The amount and localized fields on the money type have been deprecated and will be removed after a deprecation period.


Removed dummy_credit_card payment gateway

Removed the dummy_credit_card payment gateway. All test payments should be done through the dummy gateway going forward.


Removed RazorPay payment gateway

Removed the RazorPay payment gateway.


Removed gift card model

Removed the GiftCard model, including all related queries and mutations.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


Order line item notes

Added the ability to add a note per order line item. The following mutations have been added to add line-level notes:

  • checkoutLineAddNote: Adds a note to a CheckoutLine.

    When the checkout is converted to an order, any CheckoutLines are converted to NauticalOrder and Order lines.

  • nauticalOrderLineAddNote: Adds a note to a NauticalOrderLine.
  • orderLineAddNote: Adds a note to an OrderLine.

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New locations queries

Added the locationSearch and locationGeocode queries, to replace the deprecated mutations.


Email payloads with order line item thumbnails

Added the original.url field to images on order line items for SendGrid email payloads. This new field provides the URL of the unprocessed, original image, facilitating the integration of image thumbnails in dynamic email templates.

This update provides a way around the SendGrid limitation with accessing the sized thumbnail URLs, which were previously available but incompatible with SendGrid handlebars.

💎 Changed


Validation error when payment token already used

Added a validation error for instances where a token has already been used for a payment.


Sort products or variants by brand or manufacturer

Added the ability to sort products or variants by the brand and manufacturer fields.

🚫 Deprecated


Deprecated location mutations

The locationSearch and locationGeocode mutations have been deprecated. Instead, use the new locations queries.


Deprecated secondary address

Deprecated the ShippingMethod.requiresSecondaryAddress and secondaryAddress fields, which were non-functional.


Deprecated shipping fields

The checkout.shippingMethod and nauticalOrder.shippingMethodName fields have been marked deprecated. These fields were not functional as shipping is stored on the seller order (order).


Removed NauticalFulfillment model

The following models have bee removed, as fulfillments are tracked at the seller order level.

  • NauticalFulfillment
  • NauticalFulfillmentLine

This change has been made backwards-compatible. To keep backwards compatibility for NauticalOrder.fulfillments, the type of that field is changed to Fulfillment but the resolver is changed to an empty list.


Removed connection between seller order and payments

Removed the connection between seller orders (order) and payment objects. This connection had already logically been empty since the deprecation in version 1.9.

As a result, any existing logic querying orders must not explicitely include payments.


Removed taxRate field from order lines

The taxRate field has been removed from the NauticalOrderLine and OrderLine objects.


Removed nauticalSuborders query

The nauticalSuborders query has been removed.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


Enhanced Stripe integration with webhook listeners

Added webhook listeners for Stripe integrations, ensuring automatic updates to order payment statuses in Nautical. This is particularly useful for Stripe transactions where payment completion is delayed, like ACH payments.

Nautical will now reflect the following Stripe events:

  • payment_intent.amount_capturable_updated
  • payment_intent.canceled
  • payment_intent.payment_failed
  • payment_intent.processing
  • payment_intent.succeeded

To activate Nautical's Stripe webhook listening, you need to re-save your Stripe plugin configuration. This will automatically update the "Webhook endpoint" and "Webhook secret key" fields in the plugin.


Decline all order lines

You can now decline all order lines in a seller order. If all lines are cancelled, the seller order status updates to Cancelled. Additionally, the shipping cost for that order resets to $0, and its total cost is deducted from the marketplace order total.


Filter orders by invoice number

Added the ability to use the search filter to find orders and nauticalOrders by invoice number.


Invoice refresh mutation

Added the invoiceRefresh mutation, which regenerates an order document using the same invoice number as originally generated.

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Removed items section on invoices

Invoice documents for orders with declined fulfillments now include a "Removed Items" section, listing each line item that was removed from the order.

💎 Changed


Payment token validation

Updated the checkoutPaymentCreate and nauticalOrderPaymentCreate mutations to include validation of the supplied token. The validation checks ensure:

  • The token has not been previously used, preventing duplicate tokens.
  • The token is valid according to the gateway, and the amount provided to the API is appropriate for the token.

For Stripe in particular, we now perform the following validation:

  • The payment intent specified by the token exists
  • The payment amount specified matches the payment intent amount in Stripe
  • The payment intent status is either processing, requires_capture, or succeeded

Transaction error enum replaced

The Transaction.error field is now a string type instead of an enum.


Breaking change for webhooks

Implemented strictly typed data classes for more robust and structured webhooks. This approach negates the need for custom webhook fields, as we can now generate model-like payloads with more complex nested data structures.

The structure and contents of the following webhook payloads have been changed:

  • Product webhooks: product_created, product_updated, product_deleted
  • Variant webhooks: variant_created, variant_updated, variant_deleted
  • Warehouse webhooks: warehouse_created, warehouse_updated, warehouse_deleted
  • Stock webhooks: stock_created, stock_updated, stock_deleted
  • Stock allocation webhooks: stock_allocated, stock_deallocated
  • Agreement webhooks: ageement_created, agreement_updated, agreement_deleted
  • Microsite webhooks: microsite_created, microsite_updated
  • Collection webhooks: collection_created, collection_updated, collection_deleted

As a result of these changes, existing logic that utilizes the above webhooks should be updated to align with this new, more structured webhook format. Follow the learn more link below to view the new webhooks.

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Plugin allow sellers field

The plugin model now has the allowSellers boolean field, which indicates whether sellers can configure the plugin.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where the option to fulfill items remained available from the marketplace order even after a seller order was cancelled.


Fixed an issue where stock allocated to draft orders wasn't being deallocated upon bulk deletion of those orders.


Fixed an issue that could prevent order emails from being sent with the type error Object of type X is not JSON serializable.


Fixed an issue that prevented the activation of the HERE plugin.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


Backorders API

Added the ability to enable backorders with customizable settings, allowing you to set backorder thresholds and selectively activate this feature for specific product variants.

To activate the backorders feature, a new marketplace configuration enableBackorders field has been introduced. Once enabled, you can control which items are eligible for backordering through the allowBackorders boolean field on each product variant. By default, both fields are set to false (off) to maintain your current settings.

When adding or adjusting stock, StockInput now accepts the outOfStockThreshold field, which defaults to 0. This field allows you to set a negative value for how far stock levels can go below zero. When backorders and thresholds are set up, the quantityAvailable field can take on a negative value, but it cannot go past the limits defined by the outOfStockThreshold.

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Webhook queue manager plugins

Refactored webhooks to enhance security and functionality in conjunction with queue manager plugins. If any of the following plugins are enabled, webhooks will now be directed to their respective queues:

  • Amazon Simple Queue Service
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Microsoft Azure Service Bus

When you enable one of the above plugins, the queue is automatically subscribed to all webhook events. There is no filtering on the Nautical side as to which events are sent to the queue.


Store PO number on Checkout and NauticalOrder

Added the capability to store Purchase Order (PO) numbers in both the Checkout and NauticalOrder models. This includes the ability to search for purchase order numbers using the search filter.

During the checkout process, you can use the checkoutAddPoNumbers mutation to input one or more PO numbers, allowing buyers to easily reference these during transactions. You can also use the checkoutRemovePoNumber mutation to remove a PO number.

Once the checkout is completed, these PO numbers are saved to the resulting NauticalOrder. This ensures that each marketplace order can have one or more associated PO numbers for record-keeping and future reference. After checkout, you can manage PO numbers by updating the NauticalOrder directly.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where bulk creation of variants resulted in a GraphQL error ID cannot represent value: None.


Fixed an issue that prevented searching for seller orders by the customer's company name. The search filter now includes the customer's company name if the token running the GraphQL query has the manage_users permission.


Fixed an issue where the orderCancel or orderBulkCancel mutations were not triggering stock deallocated webhooks upon cancelling orders.


Fixed an issue where changing the customer in a draft marketplace order did not update the customer address. Now, when you select a different customer, the address fields will automatically update to reflect the new customer's information.

: Staging

: Production

API v1.12.1

✨ New


Surface PO number on invoice

Invoices now display PO numbers if they are available on the corresponding marketplace order (NauticalOrder). Invoices must be regenerated for this change to take effect.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where declining the full quantity of an order line from a marketplace order did not update the value to reflect the adjusted tax amount. This inconsistency also affected invoice information, making invoices different from what was displayed on the Order Details page in the Dashboard.


Fixed an issue related to the caching of invoice shipping prices and order line tax amounts.


Fixed an issue where the query for top-performing products incorrectly included deleted variants.

: Staging

: Production

API v1.12.2

✨ New


Sort orders by PO number

Added the ability to sort marketplace orders (nauticalOrder) by PO numbers.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where, when enableStockAllocationForDrafts=true, stock was not being deallocated after deleting draft orders.


Fixed an issue where the Shopify price sync toggle was not appearing for sellers with existing integrations.

: Staging

: Production

API v1.12.3

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue that prevented the order_creation email to send in certain circumstances with an TypeError: Object of type X is not JSON serializable error.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


New webhooks

Added the following webhook event types:

  • category_deleted
  • category_updated
  • collection_created
  • collection_deleted
  • collection_updated
  • price_book_created
  • price_book_updated
  • product_deleted
  • refund_created
  • refund_deleted
  • refund_updated
  • stock_deleted
  • variant_deleted
  • warehouse_created
  • warehouse_deleted
  • warehouse_updated

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Sync prices with Shopify

Added a new setting to the Shopify app, is_product_price_sync_enabled, that updates Nautical product prices when they are updated in Shopify. Note that this is a one-way sync, with Shopify serving as the source of truth for pricing.


Marketplace timezone

Added the timezone field to the MarketplaceConfiguration model, which accepts the IANA timezone name. This field is now honored in queries for the insights APIs. We will be honoring it in other timezone fields in a future release.

💎 Changed

Order Lines

We are now storing the total price for each line item as returned from the tax-engine, eliminating several tax-related rounding errors.

Nautical Orders

The marketplace order can now be accessed as part of payment queries through a new nautical_order field on the Payment type

Draft Orders

We made several performance improvements around draft order APIs when the order contains a high number of line items.


The orders and nauticalOrders queries have a new filter to query by company name.

Breaking change in decline fulfillments API

The orderDeclineFulfillment mutation now requires the quantity to be listed with the associated warehouse via a new stocks field. This allows the declined items to be deallocated back to the correct warehouse.

Example mutation
mutation {
order: "T3JkZXI6MTMzMDk="
input: {
notifyCustomer: true
lines: {
orderLineId: "T3JkZXJMaW5lOjMwMzIy",
stocks: [
quantityDeclined: 1,
warehouse: "V2FyZWhvd...mUyYWYxZQ=="
) {
fulfillments {
lines {
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🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where refunds were not including taxes in the refundPayment total. A new total_gross field is introduced to process the refundPayment with taxes included.


Fixed an issue where seller staff members could view products owned by other sellers when working with categories.


Fixed an issue where the stock_allocated, stock_deallocated, and stock_updated webhooks were not being triggered by order events.


Fixed an issue where the payout_updated and vendor_payout_updated webhooks were not being triggered by certain payout events.


Fixed an issue where the seller_updated webhook was not being triggered when metadata updates.


Fixed an issue filtering categories when the seller is a member of a master marketplace.


Fixed an issue where the quantity field on order types should be required. Note: This field has been deprecated. We will eventually prefer the quantityOrdered field.


Fixed an issue where line quantity updates were not always triggering updates in tax calculation plugins.

Fixed an issue where multi-currency environments would crash if a discount was applied.

: Staging

: Production

API v1.11.2

✨ New


Add vouchers to quote and draft orders

Added the ability to add and remove vouchers on a draft or quote order. Vouchers can be managed on draft or quote orders through the following new mutations:

  • NauticalOrderUpdateApplyVoucherCode
  • NauticalOrderUpdateDeleteDiscount
  • OrderUpdateApplyVoucherCode
  • OrderUpdateDeleteDiscount
Example mutation
mutation {
id: "TmF1dGljYWxPcmRlcjo1"
voucherCode: "SEPT10OFF"
) {
nauticalOrder {
discount {
voucher {
orderErrors {
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Display marketplace tax ID on invoices

Added the display of VAT Business Identification No to invoices generated from a marketplace order. The value is pulled from the taxId field on the seller account reserved for the marketplace (seller #1).

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💎 Changed

Date search filters now respect the marketplace timezone.

🪲 Fixed

Fixed an issue with seller order filtering when searching by both first and last name in the search filter.
Fixed an issue where shipping taxes for seller orders were not being saved when manually creating a payment against a draft order.
Vendor mgmt

Fixed an issue where the updateSeller mutation would fail if the seller did not have an attached agreement.

: Staging

: Production

💎 Changed


Reduced database calls to improve speeds of various queries, including product and currency queries.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


Added the following webhook events:

  • agreement_created
  • agreement_updated
  • agreement_deleted
  • category_created

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🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue with inaccurate tax calculations for refunds when the initial order was not subject to tax.

: Staging

: Production

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue with where checkoutLinesUpdate could encounter an error applying discounts in multi-currency environments.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

Decline fulfillments API

Added the orderDeclineFulfillment mutation and object to remove order lines that cannot be fulfilled. A new field, quantityDeclined, has been added to the OrderLine object to track declined quantities.

When this mutation is called, the order total and taxes are recalculated, omitting the unfulfillable line items. However, shipping costs remain unchanged. This mutation must be used before payment has been captured.

The existing ORDER_FULFILLED webhook is triggered by the orderDeclineFulfillment mutation. You may need to update your webhook consumption to check the fulfillment status.

The DECLINED status is added to the FulfillmentStatus enum. Both order.fulfillments and nauticalOrder.fulfillments will now include declined fulfillments. Please note that the quantity value for these declined fulfillments is a positive integer. You may need to adjust your calculations involving fulfillment quantities accordingly.

Example mutation
mutation {
order: "T3JkZXI6MTMzMDk="
input: {
notifyCustomer: true
lines: {
orderLineId: "T3JkZXJMaW5lOjMwMzIy",
quantityDeclined: 1
) {
order {
fulfillments {
lines {
orderErrors {
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💎 Changed

Checkout performance improvements

Introduced significant optimizations to checkout API calls, with the following changes:

  • Leveraging cached shipping rates for quicker calculations
  • Utilizing cached foreign exchange rates for multi-currency support
  • Elimination of multiple N+1 queries for checkout line items, reducing database load
  • Improvements to checkoutComplete execution time.
Braintree upgrade

Upgraded Braintree integration to use Braintree version 4.21.0.

Asynchronous webhooks


🚫 Deprecated



The quantity field has been deprecated on the following types, and replaced with a more explicit name quantityOrdered:

  • OrderLine
  • SecondaryOrderLine
  • NauticalOrderLine
  • NauticalSecondaryOrderLine


The quantityFulfilled field has been deprecated on the following types:

  • NauticalOrder
  • NauticalOrderLine

Instead, retrieve quantityFulfilled from the underlying seller orderLine. To make this easier, nauticalOrder.lines now returns sellerOrderline with the underlying seller order lines.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where stock could be deallocated from a warehouse different from the one it was originally allocated to.


Fixed an issue that prevented editing prices for product variants.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


Stock allocation webhooks

Added new webhooks for stock events:

  • STOCK_ALLOCATED: Triggered by new order stock allocation.
  • STOCK_DEALLOCATED: Triggered by order stock fulfillment or removal/cancellation of order line items.

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Sort products in microsite

Added support for SortOrder when querying products in a microsite.


Refresh order tax

Added the nauticalOrderRefreshTaxes mutation and object to force a recalculation of taxes on a non-finalized marketplace order, such as an order in the draft, offer, or quote stage.

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💎 Changed


Performance improvements

Enhanced performance for faster loading times across various product catalog queries, product availability in multi-currency environments, and the orderFulfill mutation.

🚫 Deprecated


Seller order payment fields and actions

Various fields and mutations around payments on the seller order have been deprecated in order to build a more flexible and stable solution. Payments were, and continue to be, captured against the marketplace-level NauticalOrder, not the seller-level Order. The following components have been deprecated:

  • Order.paymentStatus, Order.paymentStatusDisplay, and Order.is_paid will now return values based on the underlying NauticalOrder.
  • Order.payments and Order.actions are deprecated and will now return an empty list. After a deprecation period, these will be removed.
  • Order.total_authorized, Order.total_captured, and Order.total_balance are deprecated and will now return 0. After a deprecation period, these will be removed.
  • orderCapture, orderMarkAsPaid, orderRefund, and orderVoid mutations are now non-operational. These mutations are now deprecated and will be removed after the deprecation period.

If you have built any custom functionality using these components, you will need to update your workflows to use the corresponding NauticalOrder instead.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where apps with seller-level configurations, such as Shopify or WooCommerce, could experience issues syncing data.


Fixed an issue where the accountConfirm mutation did not trigger the CUSTOMER_UPDATED webhook.


Fixed an issue where the customerBulkDelete mutation did not trigger the CUSTOMER_DELETED webhook.


Fixed an issue where the PAYOUT_UPDATED and VENDOR_PAYOUT_UPDATED webhooks were not being triggered by edits to payouts.


Fixed an issue where cancelling a quote or offer order deleted the order instead of moving the order to the cancelled state.


Fixed an issue where multiple nauticalOrder records could be created in certain scenarios when finalizing an offer order.


Fixed an issue with the user query, where querying the checkout.discountType field returned an error.


Fixed an issue where quantityAllocated was not being decreased after cancelling an order.


Fixed an issue where the STOCK_ALLOCATED event was not created when an item was added to an order or quote from the storefront.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

Capture variant dimensions

Added the following new size fields to the productVariant model: length, width, height, size_units.

Learn more ->

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where STOCK_UPDATED events were not triggered during certain stock update scenarios.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

Filtering by attributes with AND operators

We've made filtering by attributes more powerful by introducing support for AND operators.

This allows users to build detailed filters, improving the accuracy of their product or productVariant filtering, and enhancing their browsing experience.

To facilitate this this, the AttributeInput filter input has been extended with two fields:

  • condition: How to combine the specified attribute values, using either AND (default) or OR operators.
  • connector: How to link multiple filter clauses, connecting the current filter clause to the previous ones with either AND (default) or OR operators.
query {
first: 100
filter: {
attributes: [
slug: "color",
values: [
condition: OR
slug: "brand",
values: ["acme"],
connector: AND
features: {
operations: {
name: "Season"
values: ["summer", "spring"]
condition: OR
connector: AND
) {
edges {
node {
variants {
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Automatic invoice generation

You can now configure the Invoicing plugin to generate invoices automatically once payment is received for an order.

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Secondary order lines

Added the NauticalSecondaryOrderLine object, which represents a sub-order-line for grouped products.

Allocate inventory configration

Added more control over inventory allocation and stock validation handling.

The following new boolean fields are added to the MarketplaceConfigurationInput, for global settings on how your marketplace behaves:

  • enableStockAllocationForQuotes: When true (default), allocates inventory when a quote order is created.
  • enableStockAllocationForOffers: When true (default), allocates inventory when an offer order is created.
  • enableStockAllocationForDrafts: When true (default), allocates inventory when a draft order is created.
  • validate_stock_on_order_payment_creation: When true, validates stock quantity to fulfill the order when a payment is created. Defaults to false.
Manage fulfillment permission

Added a new MANAGE_FULFILLMENT permission to the PermissionEnum. Users with this permission can manage order fulfillments, including reading, creating, updating, and cancelling, along with handling tracking information and shipping labels.

Without this permission, users are limited to reading fulfillment information for orders they have access to, but cannot perform any other fulfillment actions.

💎 Changed

New address fields added to Typeform payload

The postal_code and phone_number fields have been added to the Typeform payload for seller onboarding.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where product images imported from Shopify were not being rendered properly.


Fixed an issue with applying an attribute filter to the productVariants query, where duplicate results could be returned.


Fixed an issue with the pluginUpdate mutation, where a seller user with manage plugins permission could update any plugin. Now seller admins can only change plugin configurations owned by their seller.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

Capture the user who completed a fulfillment

Added the user field to the fulfillment model, which can be queried to view which user performed a fulfillment.

Manage inventory permission

Added the MANAGE_INVENTORY permission, providing more control over which staff members can manage inventory-related fields (sku, track_inventory, stocks).

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where the products query was not returning complete information about grouped products in certain circumstances.


Fixed an issue where mapping the Tax ID (identification) field for seller onboarding with Typeform could cause the SELLER_CREATE webhook jobs to become stuck.

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