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Developer Changelog

We regularly update our API and provide detailed notes on each release. We first release to staging, then to production about a week later. Learn more about our release process.

💎 Changed

Enhanced invoice header with marketplace information

When the marketplace logo is unavailable, the upper left header of customer and proforma invoices now displays the marketplace name and contact information.

✨ New

Webhooks for stock events

New webhooks have been added for the STOCK_CREATED and STOCK_UPDATED events.

Toggle the following tabs to see example webhook payloads:

"id": "U3RvY2s6MzU5",
"new": {
"quantity": 110,
"quantity_allocated": 0,
"quantity_available": 110,
"old": {
"quantity": 10,
"quantity_allocated": 0,
"quantity_available": 10,
"type": "Stock",
"warehouse_id": "V2FyZWhvd...",
"warhouse_name": "Americas",
"product_variant_id": "UHJvZHVj..."
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💎 Changed

Secure document URLs

Document handling has been enhanced for greater security. Documents are now stored in a private container, accessible through secure URLs with time-limited access tokens.

By default, these URLs are valid for one day but can be adjusted upon request. When sharing URLs with customers, they will have a limited timeframe to access them. The document URL stored in the API and Dashboard will always return the most recent signed URL.

This change applies to digital_contents on products, documents attached to objects such as customers or products, export_files, import_files, and invoices. Previously added documents remain compatible with this change.

Updated at timestamp for fulfillments

The updated datetime field has been added to the fulfillment object model and related webhooks.

🚫 Deprecated


ShippyPro is no longer supported and it has been removed from the list of natively supported applications.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where the "Price" column on customer and proforma invoices displayed the price including tax instead of the net price of the product.


Fixed an issue that prevented customers from checking out when all products in the cart had taxes turned off.


Fixed an issue where a seller admin was unable to assign an image to a product variant they owned if the marketplace operator had previously attempted to assign the same image.


Fixed an issue where marketplace operators were unable to upload or assign images for a product or variant owned by a seller when strict product image handling was enabled.

💎 Changed

Account register mutation enhancements

Extended the accountRegister mutation to support new input fields and adding default addresses when creating accounts.

The following fields have been added to the AccountRegisterInput:

  • firstName
  • lastName
  • defaultBillingAddress
  • defaultShippingAddress
Vendor Mgmt
Create seller with owner enhancements

Extended the sellerWithOwnerCreate mutation to accept metadata for the seller or the user being created as part of the mutation, through the metadata field.

Furthermore, the sellerWithOwnerCreate mutation can now be run with a custom app bearer authentication token.

🚫 Deprecated

Vendor mgmt
Create seller with owner status input

The DetailedSellerInput.status field, which is used in the sellerWithOwnerCreate mutation, has been deprecated.

Going forward, this field will be ignored. The seller will always be created in the PENDING state.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where the API could return a 500 error and prevent checkout after receiving a 404 error from Stripe when trying to find a PaymentIntent.

✨ New

Country code HTTP header

A new HTTP_COUNTRYCODE header is supported, which allows you to override the default IP-based customer location detection and specify the country directly.

💎 Changed

Performance improvements

Performance has been improved for checkouts requiring currency conversion.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where orders containing only untaxed items resulted in an Avalara error.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed a permission issue with querying microsites with a JWT token associated with a buyer account.


Release notes for version 1.4.1 were skipped due to an internal deployment. Changes from version 1.4.1 are included in these notes.

💎 Changed

Retrieve product warehouse stats

Added warehouseStats to the product query, which will return aggregated stock quantities for all of a product's variants.

query {
products(last: 15) {
edges {
node {
warehousesStats {

🪲 Fixed


Fixed a permission check issue with the retrieving the identification field through a seller query.


Fixed an issue where you could not query products for a seller.

✨ New

Unpublish variants from storefront

Added more control over the visibility of product variants in the storefront through the API. To accomplish this, a new isPublished field has been added to the variant object.

This field behaves similarly to the same field for products to control the visibility of each variant in your storefront. When the isPublished flag is set to true, the variant will be displayed to your customers. Conversely, setting the flag to false will hide the variant from the storefront.

mutation {
id: "UHJvZHVjdFZhcmlhbnQ6MzU0Mg=="
input: { isPublished: false }
) {
productVariant {
product {

The parent product's published status takes precedence over all variants' published status. In other words, if a product has its isPublished flag set to false, regardless of the isPublished value of its variants, all variants will remain hidden from the storefront until the product itself is published.

Validation logic for product and variant deletion

Added validation logic to prevent the deletion of a product or variant if it is associated with an active order, including draft, quote, or offer orders. An order is considered active when it is not in the fulfilled, delivered, or cancelled state.

Query a single payout

Added the vendorPayout query to return information about a single vendor payout.

vendorPayout(id: "VmVuZG9yUGF5b3V0OjY4") {
seller {
orders(first: 15) {
edges {
node {
lines {
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Retrieve Avalara customer tax certificate

The customerTaxCertificates query can now return the download URL for an image of a customer's Avalara tax certificate.

query {
id: "VXNlcjox"

💎 Changed

Order fulfilled webhook updated with seller and warehouse data

The ORDER_FULFILLED webhook payload has been updated to return information about the associated seller and warehouse.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where editing product descriptions could lead to errors with the DescriptionHTML field when paragraphs were not wrapped in a <p> tag.


Fixed an issue with ShipStation integrations where orders could be blocked from being created or updated in certain circumstances.


Fixed an issue with Avalara integrations where the tax_included value sent to Avalara was not respecting the marketplace global tax treatment setting.


Fixed an issue where the taxRate for order lines could be slightly rounded, due to supporting a numeric value with only two decimal points of precision. Now, tax rates are returned with six decimal point precision.

✨ New

Customizable product sorting by priority weight

This feature allows for personalized sorting of products according to their designated sort priority weight.

You can assign a value to each product using the newly introduced sortPriorityWeight field. You can then arrange the products in ascending or descending order, based on their priority weights, through the SORT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT sorting method.

This new sorting feature gives you more freedom to arrange your products the way you want in your storefront. For example, you can make popular or sponsored products appear first by assigning them higher priority weights.

first: 25
sortBy: {
direction: ASC
) {
edges {
node {

💎 Changed

Performance improvements to checkout

Significant performance improvements have been made to the checkout process, resulting in faster speeds, particularly for shopping carts with a large number of line items (25 or more).

🪲 Fixed


Fixed a security vulnerability issue with the password reset flow, where the system would present an error if the email was incorrect or inactive.


Fixed an issue where changing the quantity of an order line in a draft order reduced the variant's price for the order.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with converting a draft order to an order, where commissions could be calculated before the order line items were created.
  • Fixed an issue where, if you changed the quantity of items in a draft order with taxes enabled, line unit prices could be calculated incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue affecting order commission calculation when there was no applicable commission rate for items in the order.
  • Fixed an issue where credit limits could be queried for unauthorized users.

✨ New

Update checkout note mutation

Added the checkoutNoteUpdate mutation to update a given checkout with a note.

Bulk update seller shipping methods mutation

Added the checkoutSellerShippingMethodsBulkUpdate mutation to update the shipping method of multiple sellers on the same checkout.

Granular agreement commissions API

Added the ability to add and delete granular commissions to marketplace agreements through the agreementCommissionCreate and agreementCommissionDelete mutations. Currently, the only supported type of granular commission is category.

💎 Changed

Performance improvements to checkouts and orders

Various performance improvements have been made to improve speeds of checkout and order related operations.

Discount type on checkout

Added the discountType field to the checkout object, which can be queried to return the type of discount applied to a given checkout.

Available images on product variant

Added the availableImages field on the ProductVariant object, which can be queried to list the images available for assignment to a given variant.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with stock allocation tracking for grouped products, that could allow draft orders from being created with insufficient stock.
  • Fixed an issue where the shop.builderKey field could cause a GraphQL error of 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'.
  • Fixed an issue with master product marketplaces, where a seller staff member could change the category or publish a master product using the API. Now, the productBulkPublish and productBulkSetCategory mutations check for the seller's ownership before allowing them to run the mutation.
  • Fixed an issue where the ORDER_UPDATE webhook job did not capture tracking information when the fulfillment was triggered from a 3rd-party source, such as Shopify.

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