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Developer Changelog

We regularly update our API and provide detailed notes on each release. We first release to staging, then to production about a week later. Learn more about our release process.


Release notes for version 1.3.9 were skipped due to a customer-specific deployment. Changes from version 1.3.9 are included in these notes.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where a marketplace operator could create a wishlist entry for a buyer, but could not update the wishlist entry. Permissions to the wishlistItemUpdate mutation have been updated to allow this.
  • Fixed an issue where there was no default value for the optional id argument in the documentAdd mutation.
  • Fixed an issue where there was no error code for the SellerErrorCode enum for an invalid phone number.

Release notes for version 1.3.7 were skipped due to a customer-specific deployment. Changes from version 1.3.7 are included in these notes.

✨ New

Central document management API

Added the ability to upload and manage documents attached to products, variants, sellers, or customers. File type and file size are validated when a document is uploaded.

Use the following mutations to manage documents throught the API:

  • documentAdd
  • documentRemove
Proforma invoice API

Made the following API changes to support generating a proforma invoice:

  • The InvoiceRequest mutation has been updated to support generating a proforma invoice, by passing documentType: 4 in the request input.
        mutation {
    documentType: 4,
    orderId: T3JkZXI6NTI4)
    invoice {
    invoiceErrors {
  • Added the "Sold tax inclusive" label to the proforma invoice and invoice document types, which will now appear on generated documents when appropriate.
  • Added "Discount" and "Volume Discount" sections to the proforma invoice and invoice document types, which will now appear on generated documents when appropriate.
Delivered state for orders

Added a new DELIVERED order state to the OrderStatus enum.

Also added the orderMarkAsDelivered mutation, to move a fulfilled order to the DELIVERED state.

mutation {
orderMarkAsDelivered(id: "T3JkZXI6NTI4") {
order {
seller {
orderErrors {

If a fulfillment is cancelled on an order already in the delivered state, the status will revert back to PARTIALLY_FULFILLED or UNFULFILLED, as appropriate.

💎 Changed

Query performance optimizations

Various performance improvements have been made to improve query speeds.

Include allocations in stock quantity update

A new includeAllocations boolean field is available as part of StockInput in mutations for updating stock levels. This field determines how the quantity input provided in the mutation will be used to update the stock quantity:

  • When true, the quantity you provide in the mutation will be added to the number of units in the quantityAllocated. The new stock quantity will be the sum of these values.
  • When false (default), the quantity you provide in the mutation will simply update the quantity field. quantityAllocated will not be taken into account.
mutation {
variantId: "ABC=="
stocks: {
quantity: 20
includeAllocations: true
warehouse: "ABC=="
) {
productVariant {
stocks {
warehouse {
bulkStockErrors {
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"data": {
"productVariantStocksUpdate": {
"productVariant": {
"name": "A-Line Dress in Red",
"stocks": [
"warehouse": {
"name": "Oceania"
"quantity": 32,
"quantityAvailable": 20,
"quantityAllocated": 12
"bulkStockErrors": []
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Quantity available at warehouse

The quantityAvailable field is now available on the stock object to reflect the amount of variant stock at the warehouse that is available for purchase and is not allocated to an order.

This field is automatically calculated as the difference between the quantity and quantityAllocated.


quantityAvailable will be sent in all relevant webhook payloads.

Metadata fields on warehouse

The privateMetadata and metadata fields are now available on the warehouse object.

Product location kind API

Added the locationKind field to the location object, supporting options from the LocationKindEnum.

Updated attributes query

The attributes query has been updated to add inProductSearch and inVariantSearch filter options.

Marketplace order number added to seller order email payloads

The field has been added to seller order related SendGrid email payloads for a reference to the marketplace order number. For example, payloads will include the following:

"nauticalorder" :
"id": 626
Stripe API version

You can now specify the Stripe API version in your Stripe app settings. The API version defaults to 2022-08-01, which is the latest supported version.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where the fulfilledByMarketplace field remains enabled after disabling it with the updateSellerSettings mutation
  • Fixed an issue with master product marketplaces where variant images could in place of the master product images. To fix this issue, a new marketplace setting is introduced for strict_product_image_handling. Contact Nautical support to request this setting.
  • Fixed an issue where certain apps could be activated in the app marketplace without valid credentials.
  • Fixed an issue where variant update webhooks triggered after changing the minimal_variant_price_amount field returned the previous price in the webhook payload instead of the updated value.
  • Fixed an issue with multiple customer accounts being created in Stripe for the same buyer when the "Store customer cards" setting was enabled .

⛵ Added

Support for HTML descriptions

Added the ability to store and render descriptions in HTML format. To facilitate this, a new descriptionHtml field is added to the following objects:

  • product
  • productVariant
  • category
  • collection
  • microsite

This feature makes it easier to render formatted descriptions in the storefront, and to support integrations that pull product descriptions, such as Shopify and WooCommerce. The descriptionHtml field is fully backwards-compatible with the existing description and descriptionJson fields.

As a result of these changes, the WYSIWYG text editor in the Dashboard now enables users to edit and save descriptions as HTML. The text editor also now supports the ability to paste rich-text formatting, making it easier to create and maintain formatted descriptions.

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🌊 Changed

Faster product and variant search performance

Product and variant search queries have been optimized for significant performance improvements. You can now expect faster and more efficient search results.

Faster product filtering by stockAvailability

Filtering the products query by stockAvailability has been optimized for performance improvements. This means that filtering products based on stock availability is now faster and more efficient.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that could cause stranded payments by preventing the ability to finalize and complete an order after creating payments. This issue could occur for users that were both a seller staff member and a customer.
  • Fixed an issue where deleted staff member users that shared a customer account retained permissions to access the Dashboard after the staff member was deleted.
  • Fixed an issue with insufficient permission checks on the userByEmail query.
  • Fixed an issue where the list of available shipping methods could differ on the seller order and marketplace order for draft and quote orders.
  • Fixed an issue where products were hidden from collections pages when the "Show in product listing" toggle was turned off.
  • Fixed an issue where the ORDER_CREATED webhook could be triggered inconsistently for draft orders.
  • Fixed an issue where the productCreate mutation in master product marketplaces always set the seller field to 1 (corresponding to the marketplace seller), even when another seller was specified.
  • Fixed an issue where deleted product variants were being used in the insightsTopPerformingProducts query. This issue could cause the Dashboard home page to crash.

Release notes for version 1.3.4 were skipped due to a customer-specific deployment.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where editing any field on a product caused the isAvailableForPurchase field to switch to false.

⛵ Added

Advanced search filter on products and variants

Added an advancedSearch filter to search by specific fields for a faster, more targeted search, as opposed to the pre-existing search filter, which searches across all fields.

You can use the advancedSearch argument in the ProductFilterInput for advanced filtering by search term when querying products and variants.

The fields you can target for search are defined in the ProductSearchFieldEnum and ProductVariantSearchFieldEnum. If you don't define search fields, the filter defaults to search only by NAME.

query {
first: 25
filter: {
advancedSearch: {
searchTerm: "shiny"
searchFields: [
) {
edges {
node {
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Retrieve Avalara tax exempt codes

Added the ability to retrieve the list of Avalara tax exempt codes through a new taxExemptCodes query.

query {
taxExemptCodes {

Dimension argument for marketplace insights

Added the dimension argument to filter by time period for the following marketplace insight queries:

  • insightsOrdersMarketplaceSummary
  • insightsMarketplacePaymentsSummary
  • insightsMarketplaceTaxSummary

The values for the dimension argument are defined by the InsightDimensionEnum.

Breaking changes for insight queries 💥
Consider the following breaking changes if you're using pre-existing API integrations for marketplace insights:
  • The filter fields startDate and endDate are now required for all insights queries.
  • The perspective filter argument input type changed from string to PerformancePerspective.
    This must be updated in any logic using the following queries:
    • insightsTopPerformingCategories
    • insightsTopPerformingProducts
  • The input type for the dimension argument changed from string to InsightDimensionEnum. This must be updated in any logic using insightsOrdersMarketplaceSummary queries.
  • Fields used for report logic are now required, including queries that use ColumnObjectType, FilterObjectType, and other fields depending on the report type. For example, InReportMarketplaceAffiliatePayoutsSummaryType now requires category, title, summary, and report.
  • In the GraphDataType object, the period field was renamed to dimension.

Set availability on productCreate

Added the ability to set product availability while creating products through the API. The productCreate mutation input now supports the isAvailable and startDate fields.

mutation {
input: {
isAvailable: true
productType: "UHJvZHVjdFR5cGU6NDM5"
name: "Snow Pants"
seller: "U2VsbGVyOjI="
basePrice: "50"
product {

Force order fulfillment

Added the ability for users with the Manage marketplace permission to force order fulfillment for a line with a deleted variant, by passing the allowNullVariants field with the orderFulfill mutation input.

mutation {
order: "T3JkZXI6MQ==",
input: {
lines: [
orderLineId: "ABC=",
stocks: [
quantity: 1,
warehouse: "ABC=="
notifyCustomer: false,
allowNullVariants: true
) {
orderErrors {
order {
fulfillments {

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Set status on sellerDataCreate

Added the ability to set the seller status while adding a new seller with the sellerDataCreate mutation.

A new status field is added to SellerInput. The status field accepts values from the SellerStatusEnum. If unspecified, the status defaults to PENDING.

mutation {
input: {
name: "Cosmic Shirts Co"
owner: "VXNlcjo3NDM4"
plan: "QWdyZWtZW50Ojc="
status: APPROVED
seller {

Available payout balance on orders

Added the availablePayoutBalance read-only field to the order object, to return the balance remaining to be paid out.

query {
id: "T3JkZXI6MTIyMTY="
availablePayoutBalance {

Filter orders by payout status

Added the ability to filter the orders query by payoutStatus, which accepts values from the OrderPayoutStatusEnum.

query {
first: 10
filter: {
payoutStatus: READY_FOR_PAYOUT
edges {
node {
availablePayoutBalance {
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Convert offer to quote order

Added the orderOfferConvertToNauticalQuoteOrder mutation to convert an offer order to a Nautical (marketplace) quote order. You can target the id of either an order or nautical order.

mutation {
(id: "VXNlcjo3MtYw")
order {
orderErrors {

Add public metadata on customer checkout

Added the ability for a customer to add and manage public metadata to their own checkout(s) through the API, for example using the metadataUpdate mutation on checkout.

This functionality must be turned on in your environment before it can be used. Contact a Nautical support representative to enable this functionality in your marketplace.

VAT identification number for customers

Added the vatIdentificationNumber field to the user object, for example to store and display a customer's VAT identification number on an invoice.

query {

Assign Avalara tax exempt codes

Added the ability to assign Avalara tax exempt codes to users, through a new Tax Exempt Code field on the customer object.

Through the API, you can assign tax codes by passing the taxExemptCode field through the customerUpdate mutation.

mutation {
id: "VXNlcjo3MjI2"
input: {
taxExemptCode: "R"
user {

🌊 Changed

Show Error Messages on SellerDataUpdate

Updated the sellerDataUpdate mutation response to show error messages, by adding the ability to return sellerErrors in addition to the existing ok boolean success indicator.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that prevented exporting products as either a .csv or .xlsx file when one or more fields were selected for export.
  • Fixed an issue with sorting and pagination by attributes for the products and productVariants query.
  • Fixed an issue where taxes were not being calculated properly for quote orders when the associated marketplace order did yet not have order lines.
  • Fixed an issue with stock allocation and de-allocation for grouped products, which could cause a seller issues with fulfilling an order with grouped products.
  • Fixed an issue in master-product marketplaces, where products created by a seller user with Manage marketplace permissions were not created as master products.
  • Fixed an issue with processing checkouts with Stripe with the Store Customer Cards setting enabled.

This release also includes changes from the 1.3.1 hotfix.

⛵ Added

  • Added the ability to fetch the list of available options from the tax engine gateway that can be used to populate the tax_exempt_code field for a customer.

This release was patched to a designated environment. Other customers will receive these changes with the 1.3.2 release.

⛵ Added

  • Added an email notification trigger to the incoming fulfillment webhook processing flow.
  • Added a new tax_exempt_code field to the user object, along with associated queries and mutations.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue causing updateSellerData mutations to fail.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed a staff member to be assigned ownership of multiple sellers during webhook-based seller creation, e.g. through a Typeform integration.
  • Fixed logic in calculate_order_line_unit for the Avatax plugin, which was preventing seller admins from adding products to quotes.

🌊 Changed

  • Backend updates to Graphene v3 and Django v3.2LTS, resulting in some enhancements to the GraphQL API schema behavior. Enum defaultValues are now spec-compliant, and mutation input validation is now stronger.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where a customer who was also a staff member retained the staff member permissions after the staff member was deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where seller order data was incorrectly being sent to Avalara, in addition to the marketplace order. Nautical no longer sends seller order data to Avalara, and instead only sends data from the Nautical (marketplace) order.

This release also includes changes from the 1.2.22 hotfix.

⛵ Added

  • Added the ability to input an option price override for the shipping method, by passing the shippingMethodPriceOverrideAmount field with the checkoutSellerShippingMethodsUpdate mutation.
  • Added the ability to filter the productVariants query by the seller global ID.
  • Added the ability to sort by date and filter by from_email, to_emails, message_type, and date for the emailLogs query.
  • Added the marketplace_order field to the order object model, for the ability to retrieve the marketplace order from the seller order.
  • Added the following new webhook events triggered by changes to a seller:

🌊 Changed

  • The Wishlist feature has been updated to require storing only a single-entity product or variant against each wishlistItem. Users of the legacy wishlist model, which stores multiple variants, must update their implementation to the new model as it is no longer possible to associate multiple variants with a wishlistItem. This update provides more flexibility in wishlist management.
  • Optimized filters for the attributes query for improved speed and performance.
  • Performance improvements to the shop query.

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with connecting third-party apps while logged in as a Seller Admin user
  • Fixed an issue that prevented changing the payout status for seller orders in cases where the seller had previously been excluded from a payout.
  • Fixed context_key name in WishlistByIdLoader.

This release was patched to a designated environment. Other customers will receive these changes with the 1.2.24 release.

🌊 Changed

  • Improved mail log organization by sorting the events in reverse chronological order, displaying the most recent events first

🪲 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that caused the sellers query to fail when the externalPayoutStatus could not be determined

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