: Staging
: Production
✨ New
Seller orders fulfilled by the marketplace will now have the option to refund marketplace shipping. Learn more about refunds here.
Users now have the option to change their storefront's font color through the dashboard. This can also be done using the StorefrontTheme object type in the API.
Added a feature to improve custom domain support. Customers can now see the storefront's custom domain in user-facing scenarios such as emails and PDFs. Learn more about custom domains here.
When creating a customer on the dashboard, marketplace owners can now choose to send an email notifying a customer to reset their password. This can also be done using the AccountInput object type.
🚫 Deprecated
For the full list of deprecations and suggested replacements, see GraphQL API Deprecations and Removals.
Newly Deprecated
The following fields and types are now deprecated and will be removed in future releases:
Fully Deprecated
The following fields, types, and mutations have reached end of their deprecation period and have been removed: