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API v1.6

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

Filtering by attributes with AND operators

We've made filtering by attributes more powerful by introducing support for AND operators.

This allows users to build detailed filters, improving the accuracy of their product or productVariant filtering, and enhancing their browsing experience.

To facilitate this this, the AttributeInput filter input has been extended with two fields:

  • condition: How to combine the specified attribute values, using either AND (default) or OR operators.
  • connector: How to link multiple filter clauses, connecting the current filter clause to the previous ones with either AND (default) or OR operators.
query {
first: 100
filter: {
attributes: [
slug: "color",
values: [
condition: OR
slug: "brand",
values: ["acme"],
connector: AND
features: {
operations: {
name: "Season"
values: ["summer", "spring"]
condition: OR
connector: AND
) {
edges {
node {
variants {
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Automatic invoice generation

You can now configure the Invoicing plugin to generate invoices automatically once payment is received for an order.

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Secondary order lines

Added the NauticalSecondaryOrderLine object, which represents a sub-order-line for grouped products.

Allocate inventory configration

Added more control over inventory allocation and stock validation handling.

The following new boolean fields are added to the MarketplaceConfigurationInput, for global settings on how your marketplace behaves:

  • enableStockAllocationForQuotes: When true (default), allocates inventory when a quote order is created.
  • enableStockAllocationForOffers: When true (default), allocates inventory when an offer order is created.
  • enableStockAllocationForDrafts: When true (default), allocates inventory when a draft order is created.
  • validate_stock_on_order_payment_creation: When true, validates stock quantity to fulfill the order when a payment is created. Defaults to false.
Manage fulfillment permission

Added a new MANAGE_FULFILLMENT permission to the PermissionEnum. Users with this permission can manage order fulfillments, including reading, creating, updating, and cancelling, along with handling tracking information and shipping labels.

Without this permission, users are limited to reading fulfillment information for orders they have access to, but cannot perform any other fulfillment actions.

💎 Changed

New address fields added to Typeform payload

The postal_code and phone_number fields have been added to the Typeform payload for seller onboarding.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where product images imported from Shopify were not being rendered properly.


Fixed an issue with applying an attribute filter to the productVariants query, where duplicate results could be returned.


Fixed an issue with the pluginUpdate mutation, where a seller user with manage plugins permission could update any plugin. Now seller admins can only change plugin configurations owned by their seller.

: Staging

: Production

✨ New

Capture the user who completed a fulfillment

Added the user field to the fulfillment model, which can be queried to view which user performed a fulfillment.

Manage inventory permission

Added the MANAGE_INVENTORY permission, providing more control over which staff members can manage inventory-related fields (sku, track_inventory, stocks).

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where the products query was not returning complete information about grouped products in certain circumstances.


Fixed an issue where mapping the Tax ID (identification) field for seller onboarding with Typeform could cause the SELLER_CREATE webhook jobs to become stuck.

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