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API v1.8

: Staging

: Production

✨ New


Stock allocation webhooks

Added new webhooks for stock events:

  • STOCK_ALLOCATED: Triggered by new order stock allocation.
  • STOCK_DEALLOCATED: Triggered by order stock fulfillment or removal/cancellation of order line items.

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Sort products in microsite

Added support for SortOrder when querying products in a microsite.


Refresh order tax

Added the nauticalOrderRefreshTaxes mutation and object to force a recalculation of taxes on a non-finalized marketplace order, such as an order in the draft, offer, or quote stage.

Learn more ->

💎 Changed


Performance improvements

Enhanced performance for faster loading times across various product catalog queries, product availability in multi-currency environments, and the orderFulfill mutation.

🚫 Deprecated


Seller order payment fields and actions

Various fields and mutations around payments on the seller order have been deprecated in order to build a more flexible and stable solution. Payments were, and continue to be, captured against the marketplace-level NauticalOrder, not the seller-level Order. The following components have been deprecated:

  • Order.paymentStatus, Order.paymentStatusDisplay, and Order.is_paid will now return values based on the underlying NauticalOrder.
  • Order.payments and Order.actions are deprecated and will now return an empty list. After a deprecation period, these will be removed.
  • Order.total_authorized, Order.total_captured, and Order.total_balance are deprecated and will now return 0. After a deprecation period, these will be removed.
  • orderCapture, orderMarkAsPaid, orderRefund, and orderVoid mutations are now non-operational. These mutations are now deprecated and will be removed after the deprecation period.

If you have built any custom functionality using these components, you will need to update your workflows to use the corresponding NauticalOrder instead.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed an issue where apps with seller-level configurations, such as Shopify or WooCommerce, could experience issues syncing data.


Fixed an issue where the accountConfirm mutation did not trigger the CUSTOMER_UPDATED webhook.


Fixed an issue where the customerBulkDelete mutation did not trigger the CUSTOMER_DELETED webhook.


Fixed an issue where the PAYOUT_UPDATED and VENDOR_PAYOUT_UPDATED webhooks were not being triggered by edits to payouts.


Fixed an issue where cancelling a quote or offer order deleted the order instead of moving the order to the cancelled state.


Fixed an issue where multiple nauticalOrder records could be created in certain scenarios when finalizing an offer order.


Fixed an issue with the user query, where querying the checkout.discountType field returned an error.


Fixed an issue where quantityAllocated was not being decreased after cancelling an order.


Fixed an issue where the STOCK_ALLOCATED event was not created when an item was added to an order or quote from the storefront.

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