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API v1.47

: Staging

✨ New


GraphiQL playground

We've upgraded our GraphQL API playground to GraphiQL, the industry-standard graphical interactive in-browser GraphQL IDE. This upgrade brings several enhancements:

  • A more reliable and up-to-date development environment.
  • Easily construct queries by simply clicking on items in our schema, for more intuitive and efficient API interactions.

New fields for collections

Added the onSale boolean field, sales list, and vouchers list fields to the Collection model.

💎 Changed


Sellers no longer need to enable webhook schedules as an additional step after connecting a plugin. Webhooks will be processed automatically for new plugins.

🪲 Fixed


Fixed a TypeError error when querying products.


Fixed an issue where the externalSource field could resolve to the plugin name instead of the plugin ID for imported attributes and product types.


Fixed an issue where CreateCustomerToken errors were not surfacing properly.


Fixed an issue where the proforma invoice totals section didn't match the same layout as other invoices.


Fixed an issue where certain mutations were missing error classes, including seller, agreement, branding, and designer mutations.

🚫 Deprecated

Deprecated periodicTask

The following API items have been deprecated, with a removal date of November 9, 2024:

  • periodicTask query
  • updatePeriodicTaskEnabled mutation
Deprecated sslEnabled for domains

The Domains.sslEnabled field has been marked for deprecation, with a removal date of November 14, 2024.


Removed previously deprecated fields

Removed the following previously deprecated fields:

  • checkoutComplete.volumeDiscountsBySeller
  • MarketplaceConfiguration.availableCurrencies
  • AppInput.isActive
  • CheckoutCustomerAttach.customerId
  • DocumentAdd.ids
  • DocumentAdd.documentId
  • DetailedSellerInput.status
  • DraftOrderInput.shippingMethod
  • DraftOrderInput.voucher
  • NauticalHistoricalOrderInput.shippingMethod
  • AttributeInput.value
  • WebhookCreateInput.serviceAccount
  • WebhookUpdateInput.serviceAccount

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