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Query Order Information

This guide describes how to obtain orders from the Nautical Commerce GraphQL API.

You can either retrieve a single order or a list of orders. You may require a list of orders in many situations, for example, when you need to simply display the catalog in your storefront, or to provide a third party service with a list of orders available in your store.

Retrieving a list of orders

To fetch a order list, you need to run the orders query. The orders field is a paginated collection, see Pagination for more information.

Let's take a look at an example query to fetch a list of orders:

orders(first: 2) {
edges {
node {

In this example, for each order, we want to return the following fields:

  • id: the unique order ID, most operations will require one.
  • name: the name of the order.


The orders query gives the ability to filter the results. Use the optional filter argument. Some of the filters that are available here are:

  • search: String: search by name or part of the description.
  • price: ...: filter by base price:
    • price: {lte: Float}: price lower than or equal to given value.
    • price: {gte: Float}: price greater than or equal to given value.
  • minimalPrice: ...: filter by minimal variant price:
    • minimalPrice: {lte: Float}: price lower than or equal to given value.
    • minimalPrice: {gte: Float}: price greater than or equal to given value.
  • stockAvailability: ...: filter by available stock:
    • stockAvailability: IN_STOCK: only available orders.
    • stockAvailability: OUT_OF_STOCK: only out-of-stock orders.

Here is an example query that looks for the first 3 orders containing the term "juice" in the title or description:

orders(first: 3, filter: { search: "juice" }) {
edges {
node {


In orders you can also sort the results using two sortBy arguments:

  • field: the field to use for sorting the results from several predefined choices:
    • DATE: sort orders by last update.
    • MINIMAL_PRICE: sort orders by minimal variant price.
    • NAME: sort orders by name.
    • PRICE: sort orders by base price.
    • PUBLICATION_DATE: sort orders by publication date.
    • PUBLISHED: sort orders by publication status.
    • TYPE: sort orders by order type.
  • direction: The direction for sorting items:
    • ASC: sort ascending.
    • DESC: sort descending.

This example shows how to sort the orders list by the minimal variant price, lowest to highest:

first: 2
sortBy: { field: MINIMAL_PRICE, direction: ASC }
) {
edges {
node {
minimalVariantPrice {

Retrieving a single order

To get a single order, use the order query, which requires only one input field:

  • id: the unique order ID.

Here is the example query that fetches a single order:

query {
order(id: "UHJvZHVjdDoxMTU=") {

Retrieving order variants

To obtain order variants, query the variants field on the order type:

orders(first: 1) {
edges {
node {
variants {

Like orders, here we're asking for two fields from each variant:

  • id: the unique variant ID.
  • name: the name of the variant.


Use the pricing field of orders and variants to obtain pricing information.

Here are the available fields for order pricing:

type orderPricingInfo {
priceRange: TaxedMoneyRange
priceRangeUndiscounted: TaxedMoneyRange
discount: TaxedMoney
onSale: Boolean

And similar fields for order variants:

type VariantPricingInfo {
price: TaxedMoney
priceUndiscounted: TaxedMoney
discount: TaxedMoney
onSale: Boolean

The main difference is that orders don't have a price point, instead they offer a price range that includes all of their variant prices.

Here are the money types returned by the above:

type TaxedMoneyRange {
# lowest price
start: TaxedMoney
# highest price
stop: TaxedMoney

type TaxedMoney {
# before tax
net: Money!
# after tax
gross: Money!

# gross - net
tax: Money!
# repeated for convenience
currency: String!

type Money {
amount: Float!
currency: String!
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The order type contains two fields that refer to its images:

  • thumbnail: the order's main image. An optional size parameter specifies the desired size in pixels if given. The following fields are available:
    • url: the image's URL.
    • alt: the alternative text to include when displaying the image.
  • images: gives you access to the entire list of associated order images with the following fields available:
    • url: the image's URL. An optional size parameter specifies the desired size in pixels if given.
    • alt: the alternative text to include when displaying the image.

Here's a query that asks for both the thumbnail and all images of the first order, optimized for display at 100×100px:

orders(first: 1) {
edges {
node {
thumbnail(size: 100) {
images {
url(size: 100)


Here's a more complex GraphQL query that combines all of the above information:

orders(first: 2, sortBy: {field: NAME}) {
edges {
node {
pricing {
priceRange {
start {
gross {
discount {
gross {
priceRangeUndiscounted {
start {
gross {
thumbnail {
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