Headless Storefront Quick Start Guide
Follow these steps to get the headless reference storefront up and running in minutes.
The repository for the headless storefront is private. Please reach out to a Nautical representative for access before following these steps.
Install the following prerequisites:
- Node.js version 18.0 or later
- Yarnnote
Yarn is the preferred package manager over npm for the reference storefront.
Start the development server
- Install the required dependencies:
yarn install
- Add a
file to the root folder with the environment variables set appropriately. - Run the GraphQL codegen:
yarn generate
- Run the development server:
yarn dev
- View your site at http://localhost:3000
You must set up environment variables, whitelist your domain, and set up your marketplace configuration file for the application to function properly.
Environment variables
Environment variables can be added to a .env.local
or .env
file in the root path, or by passing them in the command line with your build command.
You must set the following environment variables for the application to work:
Environment variable | Description |
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URI | The URL to the GraphQL API endpoint, including a trailing slash. |
HOST | The domain name where the website is being served. It is used for creating structured data for SEO and for setting the absolute URLs in emails sent by the application (e.g., account confirmation, password reset). |
See the following example environment file:
Marketplace configuration
The src/config/mpconfig.ts
file is where you can specify options on how your reference storefront is built and what features are enabled.
See the following example mpconfig.ts
import { MarketplaceConfigurationCurrencyEnum } from '@/graphql/_generated/types'
const mpconfig = {
defaultCurrency: MarketplaceConfigurationCurrencyEnum.Usd,
currencyList: ['CAD', 'USD'],
defaultLocale: 'en-US',
defaultCountryOverride: 'CA',
quoteoutEnabled: true,
quoteoutShowBuyerShippingOption: true,
checkoutEnabled: true,
clarityTrackingId: 'h52kl4gp9b',
gtagAnalyticsId: 'G-XXX',
maxOrderTotalForCreditCard: 25000,
checkoutMinimumAmount: 100,
quoteoutMinimumAmount: 100,
guestCheckoutEnabled: true,
} as const
export default mpconfig
The following table describes the options you can specify in your mpconfig.ts
Configuration option | Description |
defaultCurrency | Sets the default currency for the marketplace. |
currencyList | List of supported currencies in the marketplace. |
defaultCountryOverride | To override the default IP-based customer location detection and specify the country directly, set this to the 2-letter country code. |
defaultLocale | Sets the default locale/language for the marketplace. |
quoteoutEnabled | Enables or disables the quote checkout flow. |
quoteoutShowBuyerShippingOption | If enabled, shows the option for buyers to self-organize shipping during the quote checkout flow. |
checkoutEnabled | Enables or disables the standard checkout flow. |
clarityTrackingId | Tracking ID for Clarity analytics. Get your own at Clarity. |
gtagAnalyticsId | Google Analytics tracking ID. Get your own at Google Analytics. |
maxOrderTotalForCreditCard | To enforce a maximum order subtotal for credit card checkout, set the maximum number. |
checkoutMinimumAmount | To enforce a minimum order subtotal before allowing buyers to checkout, set the minimum number. |
quoteoutMinimumAmount | To enforce a minimum order subtotal before allowing buyers to request a quote, set the minimum number. |
builderPublicApiKey * (Deprecated) | Public API key for Builder.io. As of the Dec 2023 update, the latest reference storefront no longer uses Builder. |
Directory structure
Directory/File | Description |
public | Stores static files, including the logo, favicon, and robots.txt . |
src | Contains the application's source code including components, utility functions, hooks, contexts, and more. |
src/pages | Contains the application's pages. Each file corresponds to a route based on its file name. |
├──src/pages/api | Holds the serverless functions which act as the backend for frontend (BFF) layer. |
src/components | Holds reusable React components that are used across different pages. |
src/config | Holds configuration files, such as mpconfig.ts . |
src/contexts | Contains React Context files that can be used to manage and share state across multiple components in the application. |
src/styles | Contains CSS files for styling the application. |
src/lib | Contains utility functions or configuration for libraries. |
src/hooks | Contains custom hooks, which are reusable functions to contain state and side-effects. |
src/graphql | Contains files and assets related to GraphQL operations and integrations, such as schema definitions, resolvers, client queries, and mutations. |
├──src/graphql/_generated | GraphQL types and SDK generated from the codegen tool. |
├──src/graphql/fragments | Fragments which components might rely upon, many components rely on fragment types for their prop typing. |
├──src/graphql/mutations | Mutations which are both used server-side and client-side. |
├──src/graphql/pages | Page Queries, these are used on SSR fetches, in getServerSideProps . |
├──src/graphql/get*.gql | Client-side queries, small subsets which are used to perform client-side queries via react-query . |
src/utils | Contains utility functions and modules used throughout the application, such as graphqlSdk.ts that facilitates interaction with the GraphQL API. |
Deployment and hosting
The reference storefront can be hosted on any cloud hosting provider of your choice. For ease of deployment, our team can help you get setup with the base reference storefront with CI/CD on Fly.io.
This is a great way to get started and build your minimum viable platform (MVP) and have continuous deployment setup. It may also be the solution you want to continue to use as your permanent hosting solution.
A fly.toml
app configuration file is included in the root folder by default, in case you decide to use Fly.io as your hosting provider.
See the Fly.io documentation on App Configuration (fly.toml).
Before deploying with Fly.io, you must increase the memory to 512mb. See the Fly.io documentation for instructions.
A Dockerfile
is included in the root folder by default. See the Docker documentation on building a Dockerfile.