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Storefront Components

The storefront editor comes with many components you can drag and drop to customize your storefront look and feel.


Layout components add structure and formatting to your page.


The accordion component adds collapsible content sections, useful for creating an FAQ section or organizing non-essential information.

Customization options

Allow multipleWhether to allow multiple accordions to be opened at the same time.
SectionsManage the individual collapsible sections and their titles. Each accordion section can contain text, images, or other content.

Horizontal rule

The horizontal rule component adds a horizontal divider between sections.

Customization options

Width (px)Set the width of the divider in pixels.
ColorChoose the color of the divider using the color picker.
Make transparentToggle whether the divider is transparent.

Multi-column layout

The multi-column layout evenly distributes multiple columns across the page, each serving as a container for content like text and images.

Customization options

ColumnsSet the number of columns, up to a maximum of four.
Vertical alignmentChoose how to align content vertically within each column.

Text components

Text components allow you to add formatted text to your page.


The heading component adds a simple heading to your page.

Customization options

TextSpecify the text for the heading.
LevelChoose the header level, up to H6.
Text alignmentChoose how to align the heading text within its parent container.

Rich text

The rich text component adds a text block with a rich text editor.


Content components add additional content to your page.

Hero section

The hero section component highlights a prominent content area, typically featuring an image, headline, description, and call-to-action (CTA) button.

Customization options

Layout typeSelect whether to display an image and how to arrange the layout.
ImageChoose an image to display. Images must be uploaded to your storefront media before you can select it.
Image URLIf using your own content delivery network (CDN), paste the image URL.
Image alt textEnter alternative (alt) text for the image.
Round image cornersChoose whether to round the corners of the image.
AlignmentChoose how to align the content within the section.
TitleEnter the section header text.
Text editorAdd content to the text block.
ButtonsDisplay up to two buttons in the hero section. Customize button text, link, and style.


The image component adds an image to your page.

Customization options

ImageChoose an image to display. Images must be uploaded to your storefront media before you can select it.
Aspect ratioSet the image aspect ratio.
RoundedChoose whether to round the image corners.
Image URLIf using your own content delivery network (CDN), paste the image URL.
Alt textEnter alternative (alt) text for the image.

The image carousel component creates a rotating slideshow that displays a series of images, allowing users to navigate through them using arrows or auto-scroll.

Customization options

ImagesThe image to display in the carousel. Each image must be uploaded to your storefront media before selection.
SizeAdjust the carousel's height.
Arrow positionSet the position of the carousel arrows (outside the image or overlaid).
Arrow typeCustomize the arrow icons.
Auto scrollEnable automatic scrolling of images.
Scroll interval (seconds)Set the interval between auto-scrolling images.


The video component embeds a video player from a URL. Supported sources include YouTube and Vimeo.

Customization options

SourceSpecify where the video is hosted.
URLProvide the video URL.
Video IDThe video ID auto-populates after setting the video URL.


The testimonials component displays a grid of up to three quotes, each accompanied by a title, subtitle, and optional avatar.

Customization options

TestimonialsAdd and manage quotes in the grid. Each testimonial includes a quote, main text, and subtext. Optionally, add a square avatar image by providing the image URL. Drag and drop to rearrange testimonials.
StyleChoose the style for the testimonial cards.
Drop shadowToggle a drop shadow effect for each testimonial card.

Logo grid

The logo grid component displays a collection of brand logos in an evenly distributed grid, allowing users to visually browse featured brands on your marketplace.

Customization options

LayoutSelect between vertical or horizontal arrangement for the logos.
TitleEnter the section header text.
DescriptionAdd a description for the section.
Text alignSet the alignment for the title and description (left, center, or right).
LogosAdd logos by providing the URL to the image files. Add a description to identify each logo. Drag and drop to rearrange logos.
Show logo descriptionToggle to display or hide descriptions beneath each logo.


The button component adds a clickable button with a link.

Customization options

VariantSelect the button's color and style variant. Available colors depend on the primary color set in your storefront settings.
SizeChoose the button size: small, medium, or large.
ContentDefine the text displayed inside the button.
LinkSpecify the URL or page that opens when the button is clicked.
Full widthChoose whether to make the button span the entire width of its container.

Product catalog

Product catalog components dynamically display collections and categories from your catalog.


The collection component showcases a collection's featured image, title, and description, with a link to the collection page.

Customization options

CollectionChoose the collection to showcase. The collection must be published before selection. The image, title, and description are taken from what's configured on the collection.

Product category list

The product category list features a selection of categories displayed in a grid. Each tile shows the category image, title, and an optional description, linking to the category page.

Customization options

TitleEnter the section title.
Title text alignChoose the alignment for the section title.
Max number or elements per rowChoose how many categories to display across each row.
Product categoriesChoose the categories to feature in the grid. The category image, title, and description are populated from the category settings.
Card styleChoose the style and shape for the category images.
Show category descriptionsChoose whether to display the category descriptions beneath the titles.

The featured products (collection) component displays a list of products within a specific collection.

Customization options

CollectionChoose the collection to showcase. The collection must be published before selection.
Product name style
  • One line: Limit the product name to one line. The name will be truncated if there's not enough space.
  • Multi-line: Allow the product name to spill over to multiple lines.
Product image style
  • Full height: Maintain the image aspect ratio.
  • Square: Size each image evenly.

The featured products (category) component displays a list of products within a specific category.

Customization options

CategoryChoose the category containing the products you want to feature.
Product name style
  • One line: Limit the product name to one line. The name will be truncated if there's not enough space.
  • Multi-line: Allow the product name to spill over to multiple lines.
Product image style
  • Full height: Maintain the image aspect ratio.
  • Square: Size each image evenly.

The footer appears at the bottom of each page.

Simple footer displays one menu of links across one row.

Customization options

Copyright noticeSpecify the text to appear in the copyright statement.
Navigation menuChoose the navigation menu to use for the footer links.
Social mediaAdd links to your social media pages.

Column footer displays multiple menus across columns.

Customization options

Copyright noticeSpecify the text to appear in the copyright statement.
Navigation linksChoose each navigation menu to display. Each menu appears as a column with its title and links.
Navigation links alignmentChoose the alignment for each navigation menu text.
Show dividerToggle whether to display a horizontal divider between the navigation menus and other content.
Social mediaAdd links to your social media pages.

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