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Connect Yotpo for reviews

An important aspect of scaling a marketplace is building trust. When customers can express their trust in products, this creates a ripple effect that supports user adoption and growth. Nautical Commerce’s integration with Yotpo enables buyers to leave reviews on products ordered from a marketplace.

In this guide, you will learn how to enable product reviews on your Storefront and track these reviews in Yotpo.


To enable reviews in your storefront, you will need the following:

  1. A Nautical Commerce account: Nautical Commerce is a marketplace commerce platform that enables businesses to build and scale online marketplaces.
  2. A Yotpo account. You can learn more about getting one here.
  3. An operational marketplace or store in Nautical Commerce. You can learn how to set this up through the Nautical help guide.

Setting up Yotpo in the dashboard

The first step to enabling Yotpo is by activating its third-party app in the dashboard. To view the Yotpo app, navigate to Settings -> Apps -> App Marketplace. You should see an overview of apps similar to the following image:

App Marketplace overview

The core setup of integrating apps and plugins into your app marketplace is done by a Nautical Commerce representative. If the Yotpo third-party app is not present, reach out to your representative about enabling it.

The Yotpo third-party app in the image above syncs customer reviews left on orders made in the Storefront to a Yotpo account. You can enable it via the following steps:

  1. In the App marketplace, select the Yotpo third-party app.
  2. Select Next, then input the following information:
    • Your Yotpo Client ID
    • Your Yotpo Client Secret
    • Your Nautical tenant type. This is the environment you’re building for, values can either be Staging or Production.
    • Your Nautical tenant ID. This is your store’s name, you can also confirm this from your marketplace’s dashboard URL - https://[tenantid]
    • Your Bearer Token. This is an API token generated as part of integrating a third-party app to your marketplace. You can create one in the dashboard by navigating to Settings -> Apps -> Custom Apps.

The video below shows how you can generate a Bearer Token when integrating an app:


The Bearer Token displayed here is only for informative purposes. You should always keep your tokens private.

After generating your Bearer Token, navigate to Settings -> Apps -> App marketplace in the dashboard and input the details you need to activate your third-party app. The following image shows how your details should appear:

App configuration

The keys and tokens displayed here are only for informative purposes. You should always keep such data private.

Once you are done activating Yotpo in the dashboard, the third-party app should look similar to the highlight in the following image:

Yotpo Marketplace Activation

Reviewing Products in the storefront

Once the app is active, each product on your Storefront will have a section for customers to write reviews. The following video snippet shows a logged in customer leaving a review on a product they ordered:

Once a customer submits their review, an email is sent to have them confirm the review. The following image shows the email sent to the customer from the marketplace operator:

Review Email Confirmation

When the customer confirms their email address, the review is then published in the marketplace operator’s Yotpo account. A newly published review takes 4 hours to appear on the Storefront. The following images show the published review in the Nautical Storefront and the Yotpo Dashboard respectively:

Storefront Customer Reviews Yotpo Dashboard Reviews


Getting trusted reviews on products improves consumer trust in your Storefront. Nautical Commerce’s integration with Yotpo lets you implement this seamlessly while running your marketplace. Should you have any questions, reach out to

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