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Add and Manage Products

View products

In the Dashboard, go to the Products -> Products page to view a list of all your products. The most recently created products appear first.

Edit columns

You can edit the columns on the Products list page, to change the view according to your needs.

Select the Columns button to open a list of available columns and select the ones you want to display. Changing the columns updates the browser URL with a shareable link to the updated view.

Filter and sort products

By default, the page displays all products. You can filter and sort products using the columns on the list page. When you filter, sort, or search products, the browser URL updates with a shareable link to the updated view.

  • To sort products, select the sort button in the appropriate column header. Selecting the sort button again will change the sorting order.

  • To filter products, select the filter button in the appropriate column header. You can filter the list of products by the following standard columns:

    • Published
    • Approval status
    • Category
    • Collections
    • Created
    • Product attributes, such as size and material, unique to your marketplace

Add a product

Before you start

If your marketplace requires product templates, you must create the product template before you can create products. You can confirm if product templates are required by navigating to Settings -> Marketplace configuration -> Products in the Dashboard.


  1. In the Dashboard, go to Products -> Products.
  2. Select Create product.
  3. In the Summary section, give the product a name and description.
  4. In the Owner section, select the seller who owns this product.
Default Owner

If left blank, the owner defaults to the seller account associated with the current user. You cannot change the seller once the product is saved.

  1. In the Taxonomy section:
    1. Select the Product Template to use.
    2. Choose the Category.
      You can add the category later, but the category is required before publishing the product.
    3. (Optional) Assign the product to any Collections, as needed.
  2. Select Save.
    After saving the product, new sections become available for data entry.
  3. Enter additional product details and add images, as needed.

What's next

Add a digital or service product

You can add non-physical products to your catalog for services or digital products. Some examples include an online course, graphic art, or a video game.

The steps to create a digital or service product are the same as to create a standard product, however the following requirements apply to the product template used to create the product:

  • For any non-physical product, the product template must have the Is this product shippable? setting turned off.
  • To add digital content, the product template must be simple. That is, the product template must not use variant attributes.

Variant attributes are different from product variants. For example, a digital product (Madden NFL 25) can have product variations for different platforms (Playstation 5 and Xbox One).

Upload digital content


Only simple products can have digital content.

  1. In the Dashboard, go to Products -> Products.
  2. Open the digital product you want to edit.
  3. Scroll down to the Digital content section.
  4. There are two ways to add an file:
    • Drag-and-drop a file on the Drop here to upload pane.
    • Click Drop here to upload, and then select an image from your device.

The system tracks the date when the content was added as well as the number of downloads.

Edit a product

  1. In the Dashboard, go to Products -> Products.
  2. Open the product you want to edit.
    The product details page opens in an editable view.
  3. Make the required changes.
  4. Select Save.
    The Save button in the header will activate as soon as you have made changes that need to be saved before exiting the page.

Delete a product


Deleting a product permanently removes it. To unpublish a product, you can edit the discoverability settings.

  1. In the Dashboard, go to Products -> Products.
  2. Open the product you want to delete.
  3. To permanently remove a product, select Delete at the top of the page. Select Delete when the confirmation pop-up appears.

Export products

The product export tool allows you to export data from products and variants in your catalog. You can export your entire catalog, the results of a search, or select specific products to export.

You can export the data as an .xlsx spreadsheet or a plain .csv file. After using the export tool, a link to download the file is sent to your email.

You can only export products by using the Nautical API. To learn more about exporting a product, check out the Developer's guide.

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