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Manage Customers

Go to the Customers page in your dashboard to view and manage all customers.

Create a customer manually

  1. From the Nautical dashboard, go to Customers.
  2. Select Create customer.
  3. Fill in the customer information fields.
  4. Select Create.

Add documents to a customer

You can use the Documents section to add and manage documents related to the customer. See Manage Documents for more information.

Add a note to a customer

You can store internal notes about a customer.


  1. From the Nautical dashboard, go to Customers.
  2. Open a customer.
  3. Go to the Notes tab.
  4. Enter a message in the Note field.
  5. Select Save.

Set a tax exemption code

If the customer qualifies for a tax exemption, you can set the tax exempt code from their profile. See Assign a tax exempt code to a customer for more information.

Manage customer addresses

Manage customer addresses and default shipping and billing information from the Addresses tab.

Customers can save time at checkout with a default shipping and billing address. Instead of having to fill the information manually, their billing and shipping information will be populated with their saved default addresses.

Add an address

  1. From the customer profile, go to the Addresses tab.
  2. Select Add address and fill in the address fields.
  3. Select Save.

Set a default shipping address

  1. From the customer profile, go to the Addresses tab.
  2. In the upper-right corner of a saved address, select the chevron button, then select Set as default shipping address.

Set a default billing address

  1. From the customer profile, go to the Addresses tab.
  2. In the upper-right corner of a saved address, select the chevron button, then select Set as default billing address.

Delete an address

  1. From the customer profile, go to the Addresses tab.
  2. Select Delete on a saved address.

Deactivate a customer

Deactivate a customer to suspend their access while keeping their account information and order history.


  1. From the Nautical dashboard, go to Customers.
  2. Open a customer.
  3. Go to the Notes tab.
  4. Turn off User account is active.
  5. Select Save.

Delete a customer

Delete a customer to permanently remove their account. Their customer profile and information will be deleted, but all data saved to previous orders are left untouched. This is to keep track of financial transactions.


  1. From the Nautical dashboard, go to Customers.
  2. Select one or more customers.
  3. Select Delete.

Manage customer metadata

Metadata can be useful to store custom information with key-value pairs.

Add metadata

  1. From the Nautical dashboard, go to Customers.
  2. Open a customer.
  3. Go to the Advanced tab.
  4. Select the Add button (+) under the type of metadata you wish to add:
  • Public metadata can be queried by customers and displayed in your storefront, if desired.
  • Private metadata requires an authenticated user with access to the information.
  1. In the first field, enter the Key.
  2. In the second field, enter the Value.
  3. Select Save.

Stripe customer ID metadata

If you use Stripe in your checkout, customers who pay for their order using a Stripe payment method will automatically have the NAUTICAL.PAYMENTS.STRIPE.customer_id private metadata saved to their customer account. The value for this metadata field will be the Stripe Customer ID. This connects their Stripe customer account to their Nautical customer account.

If you perform a manual payment through Stripe, such as processing a payment over the phone, you can manually connect the Stripe customer to Nautical by adding the NAUTICAL.PAYMENTS.STRIPE.customer_id private metadata to a customer profile manually.

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