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Supported Email Types

The following table outlines each supported email event, outlining the trigger, recipient, and corresponding email template generated upon activating the SendGrid plugin. For the payload data available to each of these emails, see Email Payloads.


Staff account emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Account Set Staff PasswordNotifies the staff member when they've been invited to the marketplace by sending them a link to log in and set their password.set_staff_password_template
Account Staff Reset PasswordNotifies the staff member when they request a password reset from the login screen by sending them a link to reset their password.staff_password_reset_template

Customer account emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Account ConfirmationNotifies the buyer upon successful account registration, with a link to confirm their email address.account_confirmation
Account ActivatedNotifies the buyer when a marketplace operator manually activates their account, informing them that their account is now active.account_activated_template
Account DeactivatedNotifies the buyer when a marketplace operator deactivates their account, informing them that their account has been deactivated.account_deactivated_template
Account Password ResetNotifies the buyer when a password reset is requested on their behalf, providing a link to reset their password.account_password_reset

Seller account emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Account Activate RequestNotifies the seller's primary contact when their seller account registration has been received.request_activation_template
Pending SellerNotifies the full access marketplace administrator when someone registers for a seller account along with a primary contact, informing them of the pending account.pending_seller_template
Updated StatusNotifies the seller's primary contact when their seller status is updated, such as being approved or paused.updated_status_template

Payout emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Vendor Payout ConfirmationNotifies the seller's primary contact when a payout to their seller account is processed successfully.vendor_payout_template

Order emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Invoice ReadyNotifies the buyer when a marketplace operator sends an invoice, providing a link to view and download the invoice.invoice_ready
Order CanceledNotifies the buyer when the entire marketplace order is canceled.order_canceled
Order ConfirmationNotifies the buyer when an order has been successfully received.order_confirmation
Order Refund ConfirmationNotifies the buyer when the marketplace issues a refund to them.order_refund_confirmation
Partial Order CancelNotifies the buyer when a seller order within a multi-seller marketplace is cancelled, informing them that part of their order has been cancelled.partial_order_cancel_template
Pending OrderNotifies the seller when an order has been placed and is ready for fulfillment.pending_order_template

Order fulfillment emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Order Fulfillment ConfirmationNotifies the buyer when an order is fulfilled with the "Send shipment details to customer" checkbox enabled, providing details about the fulfilled items.order_fulfillment_confirmation
Order Fulfillment DeniedNotifies the buyer when order fulfillment is declined for one or more items, detailing the items in their order that cannot be fulfilled.order_fulfillment_denied
Order Fulfillment UpdateNotifies the buyer when a fulfillment is updated with shipping details, providing details on the order tracking information.order_fulfillment_update

Quote order emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Quote RequestedNotifies the full access marketplace administrator when a buyer requests a quote.requested_quote_template
Pending QuoteNotifies the buyer when the marketplace operator requests payment to complete a quote, providing a link to submit payment.pending_quote_template

Offer order emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Buyer Bid ActionNotifies the seller when a buyer makes an offer.buyer_bid_action
Seller Bid ActionNotifies the buyer when a seller responds with a counter-bid to the buyer's initial offer.seller_bid_action

Catalog import emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Import Catalog FailedNotifies the seller when their catalog import from Shopify resulted in a failure.import_catalog_failed_template
Import Catalog SuccessNotifies the seller when their catalog import from Shopify successfully completed.import_catalog_success_template

Catalog export emails

Email typeDescriptionSendGrid Template
Csv Export FailedNotifies the staff member when an error occurs during their initiated product list export.csv_export_failed_template
Csv Export Products SuccessNotifies the staff member when the export of a product list is successfully completed, providing a link to download the file.csv_product_export_success_template

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