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Email Template Types

Email templates are pre-designed email formats that cover every use case in your marketplace. The email templates on your dashboard can be grouped into the following types:

  1. The marketplace’s staff members.
  2. The seller’s primary contact.
  3. The seller’s staff members.
  4. The buyer or customer.

The marketplace’s staff member

This represents the marketplace owner or any staff member who has full access to the marketplace. The table below covers every transactional email that is sent to a marketplace staff member.

DescriptionEmail Template Type
A CSV export made by a staff member succeeds.CSV Product Export Success
A CSV export made by a staff member fails.CSV Product Export Failed
A new seller’s application to open a store in a marketplace is sent in and requires a review from a staff member.Pending Seller
A buyer requests a quote from a store and this has to be reviewed by a staff member.Quote Requested
A seller accepts the marketplace agreement sent to them by a staff member.Seller Agreement Accepted
A seller rejects the marketplace agreement sent to them by a staff member.Seller Agreement Not Accepted
An invite is sent out to join a marketplace as a staff member.Staff Account Invitation
A marketplace staff member attempts to reset their account password.Staff Account Password Reset
A buyer places an order on a seller’s store.New order Received

The seller’s primary contact

This represents the store’s primary contact in a marketplace. The table below covers every transactional email that is sent to a seller’s primary contact.

DescriptionEmail Template Type
A marketplace’s staff member successfully processes a payout to a seller.Seller Payout Confirmation
A marketplace’s staff member approves a seller’s application to join their marketplace.Seller Status Approved
A marketplace’s staff member declines a seller’s application to join their marketplace.Seller Status Declined
A marketplace’s staff member suspends a seller’s store pending a review of the seller’s activity.Seller Status Paused
A seller accepts the marketplace agreement sent to them by a staff member.Seller Agreement Accepted
A seller rejects the marketplace agreement sent to them by a staff member.Seller Agreement Not Accepted
An invite is sent out to join a marketplace as a staff member.Staff Account Invitation
A marketplace staff member attempts to reset their account password.Staff Account Password Reset
A buyer places an order on a seller’s store.New Order Received

The seller’s staff member

This represents staff who are invited to a store by the seller’s primary contact. The table below covers every transactional email that is sent to a seller’s staff member.

DescriptionEmail Template Type
A CSV export made by a staff member succeeds.CSV Product Export Success
A CSV export made by a staff member fails.CSV Product Export Failed
An invite is sent out to join a seller’s store as a staff member.Staff Account Invitation
A seller’s staff member attempts to reset their account password.Staff Account Password Reset
A buyer places an order on a seller’s store.New Order Received

The buyer

This user represents the customer who checks out the seller’s store on the marketplace and places an order. The table below covers every action that when completed, triggers a transactional email to a buyer.

DescriptionEmail Template Type
A buyer signs up on a marketplace and has their account activated by a marketplace staff member.Account Activated
A buyer signs up on a marketplace and is required to verify their email address.Account Confirmation
A buyer’s account is deactivated by a marketplace’s staff member.Account Deactivated
A buyer requests that their marketplace account is deleted.Account Deletion Request
A buyer is invited by a marketplace’s staff member to join a marketplace.Account Invitation
A buyer requests to reset their marketplace’s account password.Account Password Reset
A buyer successfully changes their email address with a marketplace.Email Change Notification
A buyer requests that the email address with their marketplace is changed.Email Change Verification
A buyer successfully makes an order (purchase) from a marketplace.Invoice Ready
A buyer successfully makes an order (purchase) from a marketplace but the order gets canceled by a staff member.Order Canceled
A buyer successfully makes an order (purchase) from a marketplace and their order has been confirmed by either a seller or the marketplace’s staff member.Order Confirmation
A buyer’s order is fulfilled by a seller or a marketplace’s staff member.Order Fulfillment Confirmation
A buyer’s order is partially fulfilled by a seller or a marketplace’s staff member.Order Fulfillment Declined
A buyer’s order is shipped by a seller or a marketplace’s staff member.Order Fulfillment Update
Payment made by a buyer for an order is refunded by a marketplace’s staff member.Order Refund Confirmation
A buyer’s order is partially canceled by a marketplace’s staff member and the equivalent amount is refunded.Partial Order Cancel
A buyer’s requests a quote which is prepared by a seller or a marketplace’s staff member and sent back to the buyer to review.Pending Quote

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