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Viewing Payouts

View payouts for a seller

You can view all payouts for a given seller from their seller profile.

  1. Go to the seller profile.
    • Marketplace operators: go to Vendors -> Sellers and open the seller profile.
    • Sellers: Select your avatar in the bottom of the navigation bar, and then select View seller details.
  2. Open the Financials tab.

Export payouts

You can export payouts to a .csv file.

  1. Find the payouts you want to export:
    • To export a single payout, go to Financials -> Payouts, and open the payout.
    • To export a seller's full payout history, go to the seller profile, and open the Financials tab.
  2. Select the Download CSV button.

Seller payout statement

Seller payout statements are created as soon as you create a payout. The Financials tab on a seller account lists each payout. You can open a payout statement to drill-down into the payout details.

Payout account section

The payout account section shows the seller account who is receiving the payment.

Balance section

The balance section shows the following information:

  • Total payout: The total balance owing to the seller at the time of creating the payout.
  • Payments: The total amount of payments issued to the seller.
  • Balance due: The remaining payout balance after the issued payments.
  • Disbursement: The number of payment transactions issued to the seller.

Total orders section

The total orders section shows the number of orders contributing to the seller's earnings.

Payout summary section

The payout summary section provides a detailed financial breakdown of the payout, including revenue accrued from each order in the payout.

For more details on how revenue accrues and the payout calculations happen, read about how Nautical's double-entry accounting ledger system works.

The following table describes each line item in the payout summary section:

Line ItemDescription

The total product sales included in this payout. Note this does not include taxes or shipping fees.

ShippingThe total of all shipping fees accrued by the seller for orders in this payout.
DiscountsThe total of any sales or vouchers applied to product sales.
RefundsThe total of any refunds charged to the seller.
CommissionThe total marketplace commission, in accordance with the terms of the seller agreement.
FeesThe total of any marketplace fees, in accordance with the terms of the seller agreement.
AdjustmentsThe sum of any adjustments added to the payout, which can increase or decrease the payable balance.
NoteIf a payout note was added by a marketplace operator while processing the payout, it will appear in this section.
Net PayableThe total balance to be paid out. This is the amount sent through the connected payment gateway, such as Stripe Connect.

Payout disbursements section

The payout disbursements section shows details of the payout made to the seller and the payment method

Payout orders section

The payout orders section shows details of each seller order included in the payout, with a link to view each order.

Payout refunds section

The payout refunds section shows details of each refund included in the payout, with a link to view each order.

Activity log section

The activity section shows a log of events related to the payout, such as when the payout was created and when the email confirmation was sent to the seller.

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