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Set up shipping zones

Shipping zones are geographic regions used to define areas where sellers can ship their products. You can define shipping rates for each zone. Shipping rates are the costs associated with shipping a product to a buyer's location, based on factors such as price and weight.

Shipping zones define the cost of shipping in different areas of the world. Collecting countries and regions together in zones allows you to assign accurate shipping and delivery options for buyers. Multiple shipping zones can be attached to a warehouse to define where the inventory from each warehouse can ship to. For more information on how warehouses, inventory, and shipping work, see the shipping overview topic.

A customer can't check out unless there is a shipping zone that matches their location and their order falls within a defined shipping rate. Make sure you have complete coverage over the areas you want to ship to.

Permission Requirements

You must have the Manage shipping permission granted through your permission group to create and manage shipping zones.

Add a shipping zone

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Settings -> Zones & Rates.
  2. Select Create shipping zone.
  3. Input the shipping zone's name and assign a seller to own it.
Assigning Owners

The Owner field only appears to users with the Manage marketplace permission (marketplace staff members). Otherwise, it defaults to the seller associated with the current user.

  1. Select the country where the shipping zone will be located. The available countries match the Supported countries setting in your marketplace configuration.
  2. Select locations within the country where the shipping zone will focus on.
  3. Select Create. After creating the shipping zone, new sections appear that allow you to define shipping rates

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