Vouchers allow you to offer discounts to your buyers or select groups using a predefined promo code. Customers can enter voucher codes at checkout, and marketplace operators can add voucher codes when creating a draft order.
When setting up a voucher, you can specify:
- The promo code customers need to enter at checkout to take advantage of the voucher discount.
- The type of discount: order discount, product discount, or free shipping.
- For product discounts, the categories, collections, products, and variants that qualify for the discount.
- The active duration of the voucher.
- Whether the discount applies to the entire order or just the lowest-priced product.
- The total number of vouchers available.
- Usage limits per customer: one-time or multiple uses.
- Minimum order requirements, such as net total or item quantity, to qualify for the discount.
Only one voucher may be applied per order. Adding another voucher overwrites the previous voucher.
Add an order voucher
An order discount reduces the price of an entire order, distributed across each order line, when a customer enters the promo code at checkout. Your entire product catalog is eligible for these types of vouchers.
Step 1 - Create the voucher
- In the dashboard, navigate to Discounts -> Vouchers.
- Select Create voucher.
- In the Code field, enter the voucher code customers must use at checkout.
Select Generate code to use a random, system-generated code. You cannot change the code after saving. - Input the voucher's name.
- In the Discount type sub-section, select Order discount.
- Choose the discount amount:
- To offer a percentage off:
- Set Discount value to Percentage.
- Enter the Percentage to discount orders by.
- To offer fixed amount off:
- Set Discount value to Fixed.
- Enter the Fixed amount to discount orders by.
- To offer a percentage off:
Step 2 - Define minimum requirements (optional)
- In the Minimum requirements sub-section:
- To make this voucher available to all orders, select No minimum.
- To require a minimum number of items to qualify for this voucher:
- Select Minimum.
- Use the Minimum number of items field to enter the minimum quantity of items in the cart.
- To require a minimum cart subtotal to qualify for this voucher:
- Select Minimum purchase amount.
- Use the Minimum purchase field to enter the minimum amount before tax and shipping.
Step 3 - Set usage limits (optional)
- In the Usage Limit sub-section, set restrictions for the voucher:
- Limit number of times this discount can be used in total: Select this option to limit the total number of times this voucher code can be used across all customers.
- Limit to one use per customer: Select this option to limit this voucher code to a one-time use per customer. Repeat customers are identified by email address.
Step 4 - Set active dates (optional)
- In the Active Dates sub-section, set the start and end dates for your voucher:
- Start date: To set a start date, set the date and time for when the voucher is active. If you leave the start date blank, the voucher can be used right away.
- End date: To set an end date, select Set end date, and then enter the date. If you leave the end date blank, the voucher will not expire.
Step 5 - Save the voucher
- Select Save.
Add a product voucher
A product discount voucher reduces the price of specific products when a customer enters the promo code at checkout. After saving the voucher, you can assign it to categories, collections, individual products, or variants.
Step 1 - Create the voucher
- In the dashboard, navigate to Discounts -> Vouchers.
- Select Create voucher.
- In the Code field, input the voucher code customers must use at checkout.
Select Generate code to use a random, system-generated code. - Input the voucher's name.
- In the Discount type sub-section, select Product discount.
- Choose the discount amount:
- To offer a percentage off:
- Set Discount value to Percentage.
- Enter the Percentage to discount products by.
- To offer fixed amount off:
- Set Discount value to Fixed.
- Enter the Fixed amount to discount products by.
- To offer a percentage off:
Step 2 - Define minimum requirements (optional)
- In the Minimum requirements sub-section:
- Select No minimum to make this voucher available to all orders.
- To require a minimum number of items to qualify for this voucher:
- Select Minimum.
- Use the Minimum number of items field to enter the minimum quantity of items in the cart.
- To require a minimum cart subtotal to qualify for this voucher:
- Select Minimum purchase amount.
- Use the Minimum purchase field to enter the minimum amount before tax and shipping.
Step 3 - Set usage limits (optional)
- In the Usage Limit sub-section, set restrictions for the voucher:
- Limit to one use per order: Select this option to limit this voucher to discount only one product per order. The discount will apply to the lowest-price product in the order.
- Limit number of times this discount can be used in total: Select this option to limit the total number of times this voucher code can be used across all customers.
- Limit to one use per customer: Select this option to limit this voucher code to a one-time use per customer. Repeat customers are identified by email address.
Step 4 - Set active dates (optional)
- In the Active Dates sub-section, set the start and end dates for your voucher:
- Start date: To set a start date, set the date and time for when the voucher is active. If you leave the start date blank, the voucher can be used right away.
- End date: To set an end date, select Set end date, and then enter the date. If you leave the end date blank, the voucher will not expire.
Step 5 - Save the voucher
- Select Save. After saving, you can share the product voucher code with customers.
Add a free shipping voucher
A free shipping voucher reduces shipping fees to $0 when the customer enters the promo code at checkout.
Step 1 - Create the voucher
- In the dashboard, navigate to Discounts -> Vouchers.
- Select Create voucher.
- In the Code field, input the voucher code customers must use at checkout.
Select Generate code to use a random, system-generated code. - Input the voucher's name.
- In the Discount type sub-section, select Free shipping.
Step 2 - Define minimum requirements (optional)
- In the Minimum requirements sub-section:
- Select No minimum to make this voucher available to all orders.
- To require a minimum number of items to qualify for this voucher:
- Select Minimum.
- Use the Minimum number of items field to enter the minimum quantity of items in the cart.
- To require a minimum cart subtotal to qualify for this voucher:
- Select Minimum purchase amount.
- Use the Minimum purchase field to enter the minimum amount before tax and shipping.
Step 3 - Set usage limits (optional)
- In the Usage Limit sub-section, set restrictions for the voucher:
- Limit number of times this discount can be used in total: Select this option to limit the total number of times this voucher code can be used across all customers.
- Limit to one use per customer: Select this option to limit this voucher code to a one-time use per customer. Repeat customers are identified by email address.
Step 4 - Set active dates (optional)
- In the Active Dates sub-section, set the start and end dates for your voucher:
- Start date: To set a start date, set the date and time for when the voucher is active. If you leave the start date blank, the voucher can be used right away.
- End date: To set an end date, select Set end date, and then enter the date. If you leave the end date blank, the voucher will not expire.
Step 5 - Save the voucher
- Select Save. After saving, you can share the shipping voucher code with customers.
View active vouchers on a product
Any active vouchers that apply to a product are visible from the product and variant pages.
View product vouchers
- In the dashboard, navigate to Products -> Listings.
- Select the product whose vouchers you want to view.
- Select Discounts.
- View active vouchers in the Associated vouchers sub-section.
View variant vouchers
- In the dashboard, navigate to Products -> Variants.
- Select the variant whose vouchers you want to view.
- Select Discounts.
- View active vouchers in the Associated vouchers sub-section.
Manage vouchers
Edit a voucher
- In the dashboard, navigate to Discounts -> Vouchers.
- Select the voucher you want to edit.
- Select Save.
You cannot edit the Code field after initially saving the voucher.
Deactivate a voucher
To deactivate a voucher while keeping a record of it, set the sale's end date to the day you want it to be deactivated.
- In the dashboard, navigate to Discounts -> Vouchers.
- Select the voucher you want to deactivate.
- In the Details section, enable the Set end date toggle.
- Set the End date to the day you want the voucher to be deactivated.
- Select Save.
Delete a voucher
- In the dashboard, navigate to Discounts -> Vouchers.
- Select the voucher you want to delete.
- Select Delete.
- Select Delete when the confirmation pop-up appears.