Fulfillment States
A fulfillment status is tracked on each order line item, as well as the order itself. Order line items are grouped by fulfillment status.
Order status
The order fulfillment status indicates the stage of order fulfillment. There are four main statuses related to fulfillments:
Status | Description |
Unfulfilled | No fulfillments exist or all are canceled. |
Partially Fulfilled | Some fulfillments are done. |
Fulfilled | All order line items are fulfilled. |
Cancelled | Order and its fulfillments are canceled. |
Fulfillment status
In addition to the order status, each fulfillment logged against an order has its own state.
Status | Description |
Fulfilled | The order line items have been fulfilled. |
Cancelled | The fulfillment has been cancelled. Order line items return to the Unfulfilled state to be fulfilled at a later time. |
Returned | The order line items have been returned. |
Declined | The order line items have been declined. For example if the stock for an order line item cannot be fulfilled, it is removed from the order total. |