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Process a payout

Process a payout to pay one or more sellers income they've earned from sales on your marketplace. Each payout contains one or more seller payments, covering all eligible orders within the defined time period.

Permission requirements

To view and manage payouts, your account must have the Manage payouts permission assigned through your permission group.

Step 1: Create the payout

When you create a payout, all sellers with accrued income are pulled in.

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Payouts.
  2. Select Create payout.
  3. Set the End date for revenue to qualify for this payout. All revenue accrued by this date will be part of the payout, inclusive of the date.
  4. Select Create. The payout is created in the draft state.

Step 2: (Optional) Make payout adjustments

While payouts are in the draft state, you can make adjustments to manually increase or decrease the payout balance.

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Payouts.
  2. Select the payout you want to make adjustments for.
  3. In the Adjustment column, select the edit icon.
  4. In the Adjustment field, enter a positive or negative amount to modify the payable balance.
  5. Enter a description in the Add Note field explaining the adjustment reason.
  6. Select Update Adjustment. The payout totals are updated to take into account any additions or penalties.

Step 3: (Optional) Add a note to a payout

You can add one note per seller payout. Notes are recorded in the Activity log in the processed seller payout statement. The note can be updated, and is included in the Note section of the seller payout.

Add a payout note

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Payouts.
  2. Select the payout you want to add a note to.
  3. In the Note column, select the + icon.
  4. In the Add note dialog, input the note details.
  5. Select Add Note.

Edit a payout note

Once you save the note, the icon changes to a document icon to indicate the payout has a note. To update the note, select the document icon.


Currently you cannot remove a note once it's been added. Instead, you can update the note to delete the text.

Step 4: (Optional) Exclude sellers from a payout

If required, you can exclude sellers from the current payout. Their payable balance will go back into the queue and be pulled into the next payout you create.

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Payouts.
  2. Select the payout you want to exclude sellers from.
  3. Select Exclude.
  4. Select Confirm. The payout is updated to remove that seller from the list.

Step 5: Lock a payout

Once you've made any necessary changes, lock the payout to prevent any further changes. You must lock the payout before you can process it.

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Payouts.
  2. Select the payout you want to lock.
  3. Review the payout details and make any final changes as needed.
  4. Select Lock.
  5. Select Confirm.

If you need to make further changes after locking the payout, you can select Unlock to revert back to the draft state.

Step 6: Complete a payout

When you're ready to distribute funds to your sellers, you can finalize payouts in the locked state.

  1. Open the locked payout.
  2. In the page's header, select Process.
  3. In the Process payout dialog, the Payout gateway.
  4. Select Mark as paid.

What happens after processing

What happens next depends on whether you're using an integrated gateway or manually handling payments:

  • If you use the Manual gateway, each seller payout status is updated to Paid. This implies that the marketplace has issued the payouts externally to their sellers.
  • If you use an integrated gateway, like Stripe or PayPal, each seller payout is processed with the payment gateway. The payout status is updated to either Paid or Error, according to the response from the gateway.

Once a payout enters the Paid state, an automatically generated email is sent to the sellers to notify them that a payout has been processed.

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