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Attributes are building blocks of data, capturing structured information about objects in your marketplace. Each attribute specifies the type of data it accepts and whether providing this data is mandatory. For example, you might have a dropdown attribute for material, with the options of wool, cotton, or acrylic.

Attributes are important for both the sellers and buyers on your marketplace. They allow sellers to capture and present characteristics about their products, while enabling buyers to filter and browse products more efficiently.


Attributes can be used in the following ways:

  • Product attributes
  • Variant attributes
  • Custom fields

Product attributes

Product attributes define the characteristics of a product. These characteristics apply across all variations of the product. For example, for a life jacket, product attributes might include the manufacturer, intended use (coastal, offshore, or watersports), buoyancy rating, and safety certification.

Marketplace operators can template product attributes using product templates.

Variant attributes

Variant attributes define distinct variations of a product. For example, for a life jacket, variant attributes could include size (small, medium, or large) and color (yellow or blue). Marketplace operators can template variant attributes using product templates.

Variant attribute Considerations
  • Variant attributes are always required, regardless of the value required setting on the attribute.
  • Variant attributes currently only support the following input types:
    • Date and DateTime
    • Dropdown
    • Boolean
    • Numeric

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