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Add a seller agreement

Create a seller agreement to define the rules to be followed by sellers and charge commissions that take a percentage of product sales or order fees from your seller's earnings.

You can also add commissions to a seller agreement using any of the following combinations:

  • Set a default commission that applies to the entire product catalog.
  • Set commissions for specific product categories.
  • Add fixed or percentage-based order fees.

Create a seller agreement

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Sellers -> Agreements.
  2. Select Create agreement.
  3. In the Summary section:
    • Enter an Agreement name.
    • Enter the terms and conditions for operating in your marketplace.
      Both the agreement name and content will be visible to sellers assigned the agreement.
  4. In the Financials section, enter the standard commission rate for all products. If you will not use percentage-based commissions, set the commission to 0%.
  5. In the Visibility section, toggle on the Published field to make the agreement available to be assigned to a seller.
  6. Select Save.

Add order fees

You can add fees to an agreement to impose a flat-rate or percentage charge on each seller order. These fees are cumulative and apply in addition to any percentage-based commission rates.

Before you start

You must create the seller agreement before you can add fees.


  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Sellers -> Agreements.
  2. Select a seller agreement.
  3. Select Financials. In the Order fees section, select Add fees.
  4. Enter the fee name, which will be visible in the seller account's payout statement.
  5. Set the fee type and value - either a percentage or flat-rate fee.
  6. Select Save.

Add category commissions

You can add percentage-based commissions applicable only to products within a certain category with custom commissions (previously known as granular commissions). Custom commissions override the default commission.

Before you start

You must create the seller agreement before you can add custom commissions.


  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Sellers -> Agreements.
  2. Select a seller agreement.
  3. Select Financials. In the Custom commissions section, select Add commissions.
  4. In the Commission type dropdown, select Category.
  5. In the Category dropdown, select a category.
  6. In the Commission rate field, enter the commission rate for products in this category.
  7. Select Save.

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