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Add a seller

View and manage sellers from the Sellers page. You can either create a seller manually or through a sign-up form. By default, all new sellers are created in the Pending state until you approve them.


You must have the Manage marketplace permission to create, approve, and manage sellers, and the Manage staff permission to add seller staff members.

How to add sellers to your marketplace

You can invite sellers to your marketplace. This process involves sharing an invite form's link with a seller. When the form is completed and submitted, you can review and approve their application. The following steps describe how to invite a seller to your marketplace.

Step 1

In the dashboard, navigate to Storefront -> Onboarding. This page lets you edit your welcome message to sellers. When you are done, select Save.

Step 2

Navigate to Sellers -> Accounts and select the Invite Seller button. A pop up with a link will appear on your screen. Copy this link and share it with your seller.

Step 3

Your seller will be redirected to a page where they will create a seller account and answer a few questions about themselves and their business. should see a series of forms where they will create a seller account and answer a few questions about themselves and their business.

Step 4

When your seller is done with the sign up process, they are redirected to sign in to their store.

Step 5

At this stage, your seller’s store is still in review. You can view and accept their application through your email.

Step 6

Clicking the link in the email opens up the seller’s store. When you are satisfied with their listed items, navigate to your dashboard. In the Sellers section, you should see their details.

Step 7

Click the seller's name and approve them. Also select the agreement you want to apply on your marketplace so they can view your terms and accept them. When you are done, select Save.

Step 8

On the seller’s end, they will get a notification asking them to review the agreement you shared. When they view the agreement and accept your terms, they can start adding products and taking orders.

Acknowledging the seller agreement

On the primary contact's first login, or anytime the marketplace agreement changes, they will be prompted to acknowledge the terms of selling on the platform.

When they select Accept, their seller account agreement acknowledgement status is updated to Signed.

When the primary contact acknowledges the agreement, they will have access to the dashboard. The features and capabilities they can access will depend on their permission group.

View seller details

To view a seller account details, navigate to Sellers -> Accounts in the dashboard and select the seller account. A seller account information has the following tabs:

OverviewView and edit basic seller identity and contact information, activity log, and high-level summaries of sales, orders, and commissions from the current month.
AddressesView and edit the seller's address information - including shipping, billing, and other addresses.
AgreementsManage and assign seller agreements.
FinancialsView payout history, seller payout statements, and high-level summaries of sales, earnings, and commissions for all time.
CatalogView the seller's product catalog.
OrdersView the seller's orders.
UsersView the staff members under the seller account.
DocumentsManage documents such as notes, incorporation documents, etc.
SettingsAccess to shipping accrual configuration, Stripe payout onboarding link, and currency configuration.

Learn more

How to create sellers with Nautical's GraphQL API.

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