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How Permissions Work

In Nautical, staff member access is controlled according to the following components:

  • Permission groups: Staff members are categorized into roles by permission groups. A staff member's permissions are the combined permissions from the permission groups they belong to.
  • Permissions: Permissions outline what a staff member can do within a marketplace or seller account.
  • Seller account: Each seller staff member is linked to and can only access a specific seller account. The seller account specifies which data the seller staff member can view and manage, ensuring separation between sellers.

Permission groups cannot be created, edited, or deleted. They can only be assigned to or unassigned from a staff member.

Seller staff permissions

The following diagram illustrates the permissions structure for seller staff members within a seller account. Each staff member is assigned to a seller account, in this case, Acme Corp., and is a member of an example permission group called Seller Admin.

This group defines their access within the platform, allowing them to manage only the data related to their products, inventory, and orders, ensuring that information remains exclusive to their seller account.

Seller permissionsSeller permissions

Seller staff members cannot access data owned by other sellers. However, they have visibility into certain shared resources added by the marketplace operator, such as warehouses, shipping zones, and product templates.

Marketplace staff permissions

The following diagram illustrates the permissions structure for a marketplace operator staff within a marketplace.

In this scenario, a marketplace operator is assigned to the first seller account which in this case, is Marketplace Inc. Their permission group is called Marketplace Admin. It includes the Manage marketplace permission, which allows them to manage the following:

  1. The entire marketplace. this includes overseeing all products and orders.
  2. The first seller account(Seller #1), which is opened and assigned to them upon launching their marketplace.
  3. The seller account of every seller who signs up on their marketplace.
Marketplace operator permissionsMarketplace operator permissions

The role of the first seller account

The first seller account is the primary seller and operator of the marketplace. All marketplace operator staff should be invited to the first seller account.

This seller account is different from other sellers and recognized as the seller account that sets the standard for other seller accounts in the marketplace to follow. The first seller account is responsible for configuring objects like product templates and warehouses that should be open to other sellers.

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