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Manage Staff Members

You can manage staff members and their assigned permissions from the Staff Members page in the dashboard. This page lists every marketplace operator and seller staff member in a marketplace.

A staff member's access to marketplace features and data depends on the permission group assigned to them. Staff members can be assigned multiple permission groups.

Invite staff members

  1. From the Dashboard, go to Settings -> Staff members.
  2. Select Invite staff member.
  3. In the Invite staff member box that pops up, enter the First name, Last name, and Email of the staff member you want to invite.
  4. In the Permission groups field, assign the staff member to one or more permission groups according to their role in the marketplace or store.
  5. In the Seller field, select the seller account to add the staff member to. If you leave this field blank, the staff member will be added to your seller account.

This field only appears for marketplace operators. Individuals added by the seller primary contact or seller staff members will automatically be added to their team.

  1. Select Invite to send the invitation email.
    This sends an email to the staff member asking them to join the marketplace or store and first set their password. The staff member must set their password before they can access the dashboard.

If the set password link expires before the staff member attempts to log in, they can initiate a password reset

Add staff member phone and address

You can store address information for staff members.

  1. From the dashboard, go to Settings -> Staff members.
  2. Select the staff member to open their profile.
  3. In the Addresses section, select Manage.
  4. Select Add address.
  5. Enter the contact information in the Add address window, and then select Save.

For staff members assigned as the primary contact for sellers, the phone number on their default address populates the seller account phone number.

Edit staff member permission group

See Permissions for more information on how permissions work.

  1. From the dashboard, go to Settings -> Staff members.
  2. Select the staff member to open their profile.
  3. Under Permission groups, select one or more groups from the list.
  4. Select Save.

Buying items with a staff member account

Staff members can use their account login to place orders as customers without extra setup.

Sellers just need to sign in on the storefront with their seller account credentials to browse as a buyer. When they place an order, a customer profile is generated under the same email for tracking their order history and buyer information.

Change your password

If you need to change your password, you can reset it from the login screen or change it from your profile page.

Change password from your profile

  1. From the dashboard, select your avatar in the bottom left corner of the sidebar to open your profile.
  2. Under Account control, select Change your password.
  3. In the Change password window, enter your previous password and then the new password you want to use.
  4. Select Save.

Reset password from the login screen

  1. At the dashboard login screen, select Reset your password.
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account, and then select Send Instructions to trigger the password reset email.
  3. Open the password reset link provided in the password reset email.
  4. Enter your new password, and then select Change Password.

Deactivate a staff member

To suspend access to your marketplace while keeping a staff member in the system, you can deactivate a staff member.

  1. From the Dashboard, go to Settings -> Staff members.
  2. Select the staff member to open their profile.
  3. In the Status dropdown, select the Inactive option.

You can reactivate the user any time by selecting the Active option from the dropdown.

Delete a staff member

To permanently remove a staff member, you can delete their account.

  1. From the Dashboard, go to Settings -> Staff members.
  2. Select the staff member to open their profile.
  3. Select Delete in the header menu.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, select Delete.

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