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Start up your marketplace

Building a marketplace involves making key decisions such as what product to sell, how to process customer orders, and when to pay out sellers. To begin — configure shipping, create your first product, edit your storefront, place a test order, and invite sellers.

Key steps

Configure shipping

Create shipping zones and warehouses to handle product inventory.

Shipping zones

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Settings and select Zones & Rates.
  2. In the Shipping Zones & Rates page, select Create shipping zone.
  3. Input the shipping zone's name alongside additional details.
  4. Select Create.


  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Settings and select Warehouses.
  2. In the Warehouses page, select Create warehouse.
  3. Input the warehouse's name alongside additional details.
  4. Select Create.

Add your first product

Create, describe, and include pictures of the first product that will be sold in your marketplace.

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Products and select Listings.
  2. In the Products page, select Create Product.
  3. Input the product's name and description, alongside additional details.
  4. Select Save.

Customize your storefront

Add your store's name, brand colors, logo, banner, and images to reflect your brand across your storefront.

  1. In the dashboard, select Storefront.
  2. Select Branding and Theming.
  3. In the General section, input your store's name and description, alongside additional details.

Place an order

Evaluate your configuration by placing a test order as a buyer on your marketplace's store.

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Storefront and select View Storefront.
  2. Select Shop now.
  3. Add a product to your cart and continue to checkout.
  4. In the checkout section, input a shipping and a billing address, alongside additional details.
  5. Confirm your order.

Invite sellers to your marketplace

Start inviting sellers and accepting new seller applications.

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Sellers -> Accounts.
  2. Select Invite Seller and share the invite link with the seller. Learn more here.

What to explore next

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